
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Build a Website from Scratch

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Build a Website from Scratch
In the present
digital landscape, a well-designed website can open the gateway to numerous opportunities. Whether you are a freelance blogger or trying to establish an ecommerce business, a solid digital presence can scale your business, helping you to establish your brand and stay ahead of your competitors.

According to Netcraft, there are more than 1 billion websites globally. 

However, website designing may seem an intimidating task, especially if you do not have firsthand experience. So, as a beginner, you will be baffled as to where to start from. But, believe us, with the right elements and some basic knowledge, you can create an attractive, informative, and well-organized website.

We are here to guide you on how to build a website from scratch so that in no time, you will have a fully operational website shaping your digital dreams into reality! Let’s do it like a pro!  

A Beginner’s Guide to Build a Website from Scratch

It is possible to build a website without coding and programming skills when you have a concrete plan and a distinct strategy for implementation. In this blog, we will steer you through the process from identifying your goals to launching your website. Stick with us as we will make everything streamlined for easy understanding and successful results.

Know Your Goals-

Why are you creating a website? What is the purpose of the website? Is it to generate brand awareness? Is it to sell products? Who is your target audience? When you have discovered the answers to these questions, you have a crystal-clear goal. It will help you plan your website, like the theme, architecture, site interface, potential pages, type of content, and other features. When building a website from scratch, your strategy will be deeply rooted in your goals.

Pick Your Platform-

To create a website, you will need an appropriate platform that will meet your requirements. There are several platforms or website builders to ease your website-building process, even when you do not have any understanding of the technical aspects. The best part is using these DIY tools anyone can build a website without knowing coding!

From themes to templates, web builders have unique features dedicated to ecommerce, portfolio, and blogging websites. Some platforms also support domain registration and hosting. Nonetheless, when you choose a platform, consider factors like user-friendliness, mobile responsiveness, hosting services, etc. Some notable website builders are WordPress, Shopify, GoDaddy, Hostinger, and Wix.

Decide on a Domain Name-

The next step to creating a website from scratch is to choose a domain name for your business. What is a domain name? The domain name is a unique address of your business on the Internet. It is related to the physical IP address on the web. So, keep it simple and accordant to your business. You can pick a free domain name or a custom one.

However, always remember that the domain name is your digital identity. Therefore, ensure it is impactful so your target audience can easily remember it. Performing keyword research and checking your competitor’s domain name can provide you with prospective ideas.

Website Customization-

Now, it is time to organize the elements. Begin with selecting a template or theme. These are pre-designed layouts that help you to draft your website’s appearance. The layout or template of your website defines user experience. Thus, before settling on a specific theme, research and plan meticulously.

Once you choose a template, start adding other elements that induce life to your website. These elements specifically include colors, fonts, white space, contrast, background, images, text size, and static page. The way you map out your website will generate the first impression on viewers. 

  • Build Site Architecture- Is it an ecommerce site or a company portfolio? Depending on the purpose of your website, the web pages will vary. You must be very speculative when determining the pages you will require. Along with the Homepage, your site will have many other pages featuring various aspects of your business. These supporting pages are the building blocks of your website, delivering the intended message. Typically, every website comprises of the following pages:
  • Home PageIt is the landing page that includes your business name, logo, and navigation menu. The Homepage connects all the other pages, aiding easy navigation.
  • About PageThe second most important page on your website is the About page. Here, you will highlight your story and introduce yourself to the visitors. 
  • Product or Service PageWhat are you offering to your visitors? Are you selling products? Do you want your visitors to make a direct purchase? If it is an ecommerce site, you must create a catalogue page to exhibit the items.
  • Testimonials PageReviews and feedback from existing clients are essential in depicting a business’s trustworthiness. A testimonials page encourages prospective customers to take actions like subscribe or buy.
  • FAQ PageAnswering the frequently asked questions helps visitors learn more about your products or services.
  • Blog Page Blogging is one of the smartest ways for content marketing. You can publish blogs related to your business and products to promote audience engagement and generate interest.
  • Contact and Support Page Including your physical address, phone number, and email address is mandatory so interested visitors can reach you instantly. Also, link your social media accounts to the contact page for maximum impact.
  • Set Up Payment Gateway (if required)If you have an ecommerce site, it means you facilitate online shopping. Thus, your site needs a storefront layout where all the products will be listed, and customers can navigate through the lists to choose and buy the desired products.

The navigation must be seamless and prompt to ensure buyers do not get disappointed and leave your site. It is a significant section of an ecommerce website defining your credibility. Pick a reliable digital storefront like UPI or PayPal. These are easy to use, supporting smooth transactions. As you build a website from scratch, prioritize user experience since it significantly impacts trust and loyalty.

Create Content-

When you have finally mapped out your site, it is time to add content to the pages. Content forms the core of a website’s performance. It considerably affects search result rankings, audience engagement, lead generation, and conversions. So, your content must be valuable, serving a purpose to audiences. It must be informative with strategically placed keywords, relatable, and accurate.

Give your website a voice. Focus on creating high-quality content to establish your domain authority and foster client relationships. Add HD-quality photos wherever needed. Photos are a distinctive way of expression. They make your website attractive and aid a better understanding of content. It is easier to remember photos, as well! 

Test and Hone-

You are almost ready to let your website go live! Are you excited? Of course, you are! But wait! Did you test your website’s functionality, accessibility, and compatibility? Is your content readable? Did you check for mobile responsiveness? How is the user experience? All these factors are responsible for your website’s performance.

Today, in the mobile-first indexing era, having a mobile-friendly website is immensely crucial if you do not want to get lost in the crowd! Check if all the pages are working and if they have contact forms. Additionally, the user interface must be captivating and well-optimized. You can ask your friends or family members for their valuable feedback. 

Get Set Launch-

Finally, all your efforts about how to make a website from scratch are coming to life! It’s time to publish your website to the world! If all the basic elements are in place and working perfectly, all you have to do now is launch your website. Once your website goes live, promote it to your social media channels to expand reach and attract more traffic. The more you promote, the higher the views.

Keep Tweaking-

Nothing in the digital landscape is permanent. The search engine algorithms keep changing. There is a fair chance you will miss out on the race if you do not stay updated with the latest trends. Therefore, update your website content frequently so they do not become stale and outdated. Such content does not fetch the audience’s attention and gradually loses value. Whether it is blogs or videos, schedule a calendar, repurpose old content, and update. Adding fresh content is a secret to improving your website’s performance. 

Key Takeaways

Designing the first website without any coding experience can be challenging. Luckily, we have platforms or website builders with unlimited customization features requiring no hardcore skills. When you have successfully created a website, you can take it a long way!

There are no limits to refining your website. You can perform search engine optimization (SEO) and track results to secure a high rank in the search results and increase visibility. Other digital marketing elements like content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and performance marketing can readily improve your site’s domain authority, credibility, and reputation. We will discuss it in another post. For now, let’s hope you will soon run a successful website!


SEO for Startups: Launch Your Business with a Bang

It is indeed a thrilling venture when you decide to start your company! To become a successful entrepreneur is a dream of many aspirants. However, though everything sounds exciting, it is yet a challenging job. Especially today, when the competition has expanded to the digital realm!

There are definitely lots of things you must focus on- from developing your product(s) or service(s) to planning a cut-throat marketing strategy that will bring sales. When speaking of marketing strategy, it does not only imply billboards or pamphlet distribution but startup SEO, too.

SEO for Startups

For any startup to establish its footprint in the concrete world, it must find a good spot in the digital marketplace. In other words, to earn recognition and clients, you must first set an online foundation because the game begins from there!

Nonetheless, SEO is pretty demanding for new businesses since the online marketplace is already thronged with too many options. The competition is tough and not a cakewalk you can pass on like a breeze! You must develop a killer startup digital marketing strategy that will shower you with endless benefits. Don’t be amazed if we say SEO is your reliable, long-term game offering the much-deserved kick-start to your business!

It is the soul of your startup you cannot live without in the present era! So today, in this blog, we will discuss how to do SEO for a startup. If you are launching your business soon, follow this guide and thank us later. Before that, let’s understand why SEO for startups is so important.

Why Do You Need Startup SEO?

Most often, startups do not acknowledge SEO as a critical element to boost their early marketing gimmick despite 8.5 billion searches taking place per day on Google (Clicta Digital)! It only results in regression and an ultimate crash! You are not even in the competition before you realize your failure!

Startups SEO

Thankfully, we have startup SEO to save us from the scenario! It is highly rewarding to new businesses because:

  • Better Search Result Ranking- The #1 result in Google search results has an average click-through rate of 27.6%. In general, the top three results on Google search receive 54.4% of all the clicks (Backlinko). So, do you recognize the significance of bagging a high rank on Google? The higher your rank, the more likely you will get increased clicks. And there is no surprise; you can achieve it only through an impactful SEO strategy.
  • Increased Organic Traffic- As you rank up the search engine, you become more visible to audiences. There is an exponential increase in click-through rate (CTR), which means more organic traffic drive. According to statistics, organic traffic accounts for 53.3% of a website’s traffic (BrightEdge). It implies that SEO for startups is a crucial tool for attracting traffic to the website.
  • Enhanced Brand Awareness- Can there be any better exposure to your company than the online platform? You can reach your target audiences without conducting a canopy activity and shout over the microphone! And most importantly, you get a global exposure. It is not restricted to the local marketplace.
  • Boosted Customer Acquisition- SEO helps to generate qualified leads who are potential consumers. Therefore, conversions are often effortless since these leads are already interested in your business, product(s), or service(s). Your customer acquisition cost is reduced by 87.41% when you have a well-optimized SEO plan (Skale). It is exponentially beneficial to your startup business since, by all means, you will want to curtail investments.

Now, what are the best SEO practices for early-stage startups? We will discuss them in detail so that you can implement them to construct your strategy. 

Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing the experience, authority, and performance of your website. Here is a beginner’s guide to SEO for new businesses:

  • Keyword Research- Keyword is the core of your SEO strategy. The ranking of your website depends considerably on keywords. What are keywords? They are the words or phrases that are most searched by users on Google or other search engines. So, you must use relevant and high-quality keywords in your website or content for easy crawling and indexing of the web pages. It improves your website ranking while increasing visibility.
  • On-Page Optimization- In SEO, content is the king. Therefore, create high-quality content which is informative, relevant, valuable, and useful to the audiences. In other words, your content must complement the needs of the target audiences. Place the keywords strategically and optimize title tags, meta descriptions, URLs and images for effective on-page optimization, boosting the click-through rate.
  • Technical SEO- Technical SEO is necessary for easy crawling and indexing of your web pages by search engines. It also makes your website more understandable and faster. Technical SEO includes elements like using a robots.txt file, adding structured data, putting an XML sitemap, and removing duplicate content and canonical texts.
  • Backlinks- Generating backlinks or employing a link-building strategy is one of the most effective ways to drive organic traffic for startups. When you link other websites to your site, you attract traffic from other reliable sources. It builds authority and establishes credibility, which is a determining factor for brand recognition and reputation. Guest posting , updating old content, building free tools, getting contextual links, etc., are successful link-building strategies.

Now, you know the fundamentals of SEO. It’s time to build a robust strategy for your startup business with the following guidelines.

Executing SEO Strategies for Startups

You know what makes up a good SEO strategy. Now, let us learn about them in detail and the various tactics employed to achieve the best results.

The Significance of Targeting Specific Keywords

Finding the right keywords relevant to your business must be your first step to building your startup SEO strategy. These keywords will help you rank in the search results, increasing your online visibility. A thorough keyword research is crucial to make rich, informative, and valuable content since search engines target the keywords for website ranking. Do you know what are the best ways to find your target keywords? Competitor analysis is always one of the most preferred approaches which recognize the keywords your competitors are targeting. Keyword research tools like Google Search Console, Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, etc., are also extensively used to find high-quality keywords.

Now, when you perform keyword research, you must remember:

  • Your keywords must be relevant to the target audience. It depends on the monthly search volume of the keywords.
  • The target keywords must be relevant to your business, product(s), or service(s). Remember that all the popular keywords may not be relevant to your startup business.
  • Consider target keyword competition- the more the popularity, the more the competition. However, being a startup business owner, keep track of your timeline and budget. Competitive keywords may not be feasible.

Website Content Optimization

There was a time when stuffing keywords in content was considered to be a good SEO practice. But today, content is more about delivering valuable information to target audiences than stuffing keywords! Search engine ranking for startups relies considerably on content quality and quantity. It is about publishing consistent, high-quality content with a well-formatted structure in the eyes of search engine algorithms and human readers, too. Google perceives your website as credible, resulting in better ranking.

We have shared important tips to optimize your content. Check them out:

  • Place your keywords strategically. Do not stuff them in your content.
  • Use semantically related keywords to establish an enhanced connection with your target audience.
  • Create an attractive and readable structure with H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings.
  • Optimize title, meta description, and Alt text to attract organic traffic.
  • Include captivating visuals for better audience engagement.
  • Add internal links for convenient navigation and improved user experience.
  • Keep your content up-to-date and accurate.

These are the two fundamental principles responsible for improved search result ranking, driving organic traffic, reducing bounce rates, acquiring credibility, and establishing brand recognition. In other words, SEO for startups is primarily based on these propositions.

Effective Tactics for Startups

SEO is not a fast-forward trick where you will receive results overnight! It is a long-term scheme, so do not assume it to be dead if you aren’t experiencing results even after a few months. It is like a slow-cooking meal that pays off the results after a long wait. Sometimes, it may take almost a year to notice measurable outcomes.

Nonetheless, you can boost its effectiveness by implementing some of the hottest trends, delivering extraordinary upshots! Website optimization for startups is indeed the cardinal element. But you must give a shot to the following tactics, which are the latest digital marketing trends exhibiting booming success!

Content Marketing-

More than 91% of businesses have achieved success through content marketing (Search Engine Journal). To add on, the pandemic increased content marketing by 207% (Search Engine Journal). Therefore, content marketing is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools to reach your target audience and encourage profitable actions. Content marketing focuses on creating and publishing high-quality content to attract new leads and retain existing consumers.

For any startup today, successful digital marketing is unthinkable without leveraging the potential of valuable content. Content marketing offers relevant and useful information about your business, service(s), and product(s) to your target audience, which is much more impactful than pitching!

You can do content marketing in numerous ways. These include email marketing, press releases, paid advertising, podcasts, videos, eBooks, infographics, etc. Content is the present and future of startup digital marketing. So, get creative and improve your ranking!

Social Media Marketing-

What is the first thing you do after waking up in the morning? Probably open your Twitter or Facebook account and scroll down for updates. Does that make sense? And you are not the only person because 61.4% of the world’s population is a social media user (Smart Insights). Statistics reveal that the average daily time spent on social media accounts to 2h 24m (Smart Insights). Therefore, not utilizing social media as a promotional tool is a fool’s job!

Social media marketing has increasingly gained popularity over the years due to the mobile-friendliness of most websites. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube are the most popular social media platforms with massive users. So, whether you share a post or post ads on these platforms, you increase online visibility while acquiring immense recognition. It can be one of the best digital marketing practices for early-stage startups.

Link Building Strategy-

How to improve website ranking for my startup? Why not focus on link building? As a startup, your primary concern is to enhance visibility. And to improve visibility, you have to rank high on SERPs. It is only then you can earn organic traffic and gradually build a client base. For this, you must prioritize link building services, which helps to drive organic traffic from other reputed sources while establishing your online authority.

However, you must ensure that every link your page is connecting to must be relevant. You should not link your page to a skincare website when your product is organic food! It is unethical and will do more harm than good. 93.8% of marketers believe link quality is more important than link quantity (Authority Hacker). Therefore, you must focus on generating top-quality links instead that will encourage higher audience engagement. Fixing broken links, asking publishers to link your brand mentions, responding to journalists’ requests, publishing press releases, adding infographics, and guest blogging are the popular link building strategies yielding enormous benefits. 

Budget-Friendly SEO Tools for Startup Businesses

Affordable SEO for startups is what you must be looking for. Right? Do not worry as many affordable SEO tools are offering premium grade features. They can help boost your online visibility and foster traffic growth. Relatively, SEO tools are much more inexpensive than paid ads!

We have listed some top all-in-one SEO platforms providing comprehensive solutions on keyword research, website analysis, backlink analysis, rank tracker, and other special features.

Have a look:

  • SEO PowerSuiteIt comprises Rank Tracker, Website Auditor, SEO SpyGlass, and Link Assistant.
  • MangoolsIt is an SEO toolkit comprising KWFinder, SERPChecker, SERPWatcher, LinkMiner, and SiteProfiler.
  • SerpstatIt delivers a fully cloud-based SEO toolbox which includes Rank Tracking, Keyword Analysis, Website Analysis, Site Audit, Backlink Analysis, PPC Research, SEO Browser Extensions, Special Tools, and other features.
  • UbersuggestIt is a powerful integrated SEO tool from Neil Patel. The primary features are Keyword Discovery, Site Audit, Daily Rank Tracking, Competitor Analysis, Backlink Data, SEO Project Organization, SEO Browser Extension, and other features.
  • Raven ToolsThe core features are Marketing Reports, Competitor Domain Research, Site Auditor, SERP Rank Tracker, Keyword Rank Checker, Keyword Research, Backlink Checker and Link Spy, and Social Media.

Evaluating SEO Progress

Lastly, after implementing SEO tools for startups, never miss out on evaluating the progress or the results. You can make improvements and adjustments to boost the performance. You cannot figure out whether your strategies are working or not until you monitor the outcomes. Since SEO is a long-run game, evaluating or tracking is necessary to refine your approaches per the changing algorithm trends.

So, what are the metrics to track SEO performance?

  • Ranking- You must check your SERP rank whether it is moving up. It’s pretty obvious you cannot expect the top within a few months, but at least a rank on the first page is pretty impressive.
  • Organic Traffic- Ranking directly influences organic traffic drive. The higher your rank, the more the traffic. If you experience declining organic traffic, then check other metrics.
  • Local Metrics- Check Google Maps ranking, session location, number of local citations, etc.
  • Backlink Analysis- Assess referring domains, number of backlinks, and competitor’s link profile to recognize the missing spots.
  • Conversion Rate- Conversion doesn’t just mean purchase. It also implies actions like signing up for newsletters, form submissions, and email signups.

Optimize your strategy whenever required to keep updated with the algorithm changes. 

Case Studies of Successful Startups

We have provided two examples of startup SEO case studies that are currently winning over the digital marketplace. Let’s check out why.

  1. Mint

Mint is an online application where people can manage their finances anytime, anywhere. They scaled their business through strategic content marketing. Though we already have many such online platforms proposing similar services, Mint stands apart as it customized its content to millennials willing to have better control over their finances.

Mint achieved enormous success through personalized financial blogging that attracted a large section of organic traffic. The company also focused on paid advertising and social media marketing to generate buzz and become an engaging topic for discussion. 

  1. Hammr 

Hammr is a platform dedicated to the construction industry, offering functions like time tracking, payroll, compliance, and benefits. So, it is an all-in-one platform where contractors can keep track of everything.

What worked for Hammr was its effective branding and superior user experience. The clear CTA buttons, descriptive titles and meta descriptions have encouraged more contractors to become users. Also, consistent blog posting has helped it acquire immense popularity as audiences found it genuinely informational.

Key Takeaways

Startup SEO may be a demanding task. Yet it is nothing like unachievable! You can reap its benefits as soon as you start realizing its benefits and put effort into planning and building your strategy. Start with defining your objectives and marketing goals- you will automatically know what you should do. Focusing on the core elements of SEO, which include keyword analysis, content optimization, technical SEO, link building, and tracking performance, will pave the road to success.

Apart from that, stay true to your audiences. Publish accurate content, keep connected with your audiences, establish interactions, and encourage long-term relationships. We ensure your startup business will outshine with the right ingredients!

Case Study

Case Study True Indian Hair

Campaign Overview

The client is an iconic brand selling hair accessories like wigs and extensions in the US. True Indian Hair is recognized for superior-quality products at affordable prices, accompanied by incredible customer support. With a wide array of collections, it delivers hair accessories for every hair needs. From signature wigs to select extensions, True Indian Hair proposes ample options.

Nonetheless, despite owning a functional website, the client faced numerous challenges for which they consulted the experts at Black Marlin Technologies. They were not ranking in the organic search results and map listing as well. Thus, failing to reach the targeted US audience resulted in low conversions. Whether enquiry calls or sales from the online store, True Indian Hair was inefficient in reaching out to potential leads. Hence, they approached us to fix the problems and help them generate profits.


Initially, after conducting a meticulous website audit, the expert team at Black Marlin Technologies found that their website had multiple downsides. It adversely affected the site’s performance in terms of search result visibility and attracting target audiences. We knew we had a lot of work to do! The website even required a strong link building network and extensive optimization of the Google My Business listing.

The site lacked the ideal technical infrastructure needed for optimal user experience and compatibility. It impacted audience engagement, resulting in a low conversion rate. Our team also discovered that the content presentation and readability were poor curtailing the site’s ranking ability.

We had many challenges to deal with! Incompetent content, improper site architecture, poor user experience, lack of mobile optimization, readability and scalability issues, ineffective GMB optimization, and no strategic link building approach were the fundamental areas of concern. Basically, we needed to execute a comprehensive search engine optimization strategy to recover the website’s performance. The lack of domain authority in the niche market was extensively responsible for their incompetency and inefficiency in making an impactful online presence.

However, our passionate team of SEO professionals supported the client with necessary solutions and helped them overcome the considerable challenges that came in the way of successful business growth.


We at Black Marlin Technologies have been serving the industry for over a decade, delivering effective digital marketing solutions to businesses of different types and sizes. Manoeuvring numerous complex projects throughout our journey, our crew could effortlessly fix the shortcomings of the True Indian Hair website. We implemented a customized strategy focusing on the problem areas for measurable results. The process included:

  • On-Page Optimization- As we said, the content presentation of the website was substandard. So, our dedicated content writers created and optimized content using competitive keywords for better readability scores and relevance. We also optimized visual content, title tags, and meta descriptions for improved ranking and search result visibility. It was also helpful in enhancing audience engagement essential to converting leads into customers.  
  • GMB Optimization- GMB plays a significant role in driving local traffic. For the client, reaching out to the local target audience was considerably necessary to increase sales and make a prominent presence among its competitors. Therefore, we created two location maps for New York and Brooklyn to ensure local audiences of these two distinctive areas could easily find the business. The brand could reach out to extensive target audiences.
  • Technical SEO- The technical factors in a website substantially impact its online visibility. Without a proper technical infrastructure, search engines cannot find and understand content making it difficult to rank. Our services conducted an integrated technical approach like submitting sitemaps, using canonical tags, removing duplicate content, enhancing page speed and mobile responsiveness, setting up structured data, and implementing Robots.txt file.
  • Link Building- Lastly, on-page and off-page SEO alone cannot drive potential leads without high-quality backlinks. Backlinks are crucial to attract traffic from other relevant sites and improve the website’s domain authority. Hence, we focused on building links to websites with a high DA, reputation, and page traffic. It even included other practices like brand mentions and reviews.

The Result

Google Analytics Report


Google Webmaster Tool Report

True Indian Hair Google Search Console

Google Rankings Report

True Indian Hair Ranking
Case Study

L’Abode Accommodation Case Study

Campaign Overview

The client, L’Abode Accommodation, specializes in property management services and provides luxury short-term and long-term accommodations across Australia. Through personalized solutions and professional hospitality, the company delivers premium-grade services to property hosts and guests. From listing properties to providing outstanding guest experiences, L’Abode Accommodation offers comprehensive services.

To rank among other leading similar sites and receive more enquiries, they considered approaching Black Marlin Technologies. Though L’Abode Accommodation had a company website, they could not outrank their competitors and reach the target Australian market. Unfortunately, it caused enormous business losses due to the lack of an impactful online presence. They approached us to execute their digital marketing campaign and help them accomplish business goals.


At Black Marlin Technologies, we conducted a website audit to evaluate the pitfalls, resulting in low site performance. Our team of digital experts discovered that they were targeting the wrong keywords, the internal linking was poor, the site did not have high-authority backlinks, and the user experience was very poor. It means that their website architecture was incompetent with inadequate optimization, which resulted in missing the top ranks in search results, directly influencing traffic drive.

To us, the primary challenge was to fix keyword rankings that considerably resulted in losing rank and missing out on a large section of the target audience. Secondly, optimizing content for improved user experience was another big deal. The page speed was too slow, and neither the site was mobile-friendly. Also, we needed to focus on strengthening internal linking. It naturally reduced the engagement rate, affecting ranking and traffic drive. Lastly, generating high-quality backlinks was another significant challenge. We knew this was a critical aspect restricting web traffic inflow from reliable sources. It was evident the site lacked authority and credibility.

Nonetheless, we worked closely with our SEO experts, designers, and content writers to fix the issues and induce pace to the website’s performance.


At Black Marlin Technologies, we ensure that our clients receive maximum benefits from the strategic implementation of the solutions. So, to set L’Abode Accommodation into the digital competition, our tailored approach included:

  • On-Page Optimization- We optimized the content of the website by conducting keyword research and using valuable keywords in the title tags, headings, and meta descriptions. We also used Alt texts and optimized page URLs. For increased audience engagement, we ensured robust internal linking.  
  • Technical SEO- Since the website lacked mobile responsiveness, we focused on optimizing the website architecture, which primarily included compressing images, removing duplicate content, using schema markup, submitting site maps, and fixing broken links. Our experts also optimized page speed to enhance user experience.
  • Link Building- As we said, the site did not have quality backlinks, constituting the core of establishing domain authority and credibility. Hence, we generated links to high DA sites to fetch resourceful traffic, resulting in potential lead generation and improving the site’s E-A-T signals.

The Result

Google Analytics Report

L’Abode Accommodation Google Analytics

Google Webmaster Tool Report

L’Abode Accommodation Google Search Console

Google Rankings Report

L’Abode Accommodation Ranking

SEO Consultant: Factors to Consider for Your Business Success

Let’s face it. You own a website and want to rank it in the top search results, but you cannot do it alone. You need a robust search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to set your website at pace! In other words, SEO is the solution to meeting your marketing goals, which include better website rankings, increased organic traffic, higher visibility, boosted lead generation, enhanced brand awareness, and better conversion rate.

SEO Consultant

Here comes a search engine optimization consultant! With better comprehension and experience in handling the nuances of algorithm changes and search trends, an SEO consultant can help you reach potential clients while staying competitive in the digital landscape. They help you to accomplish your business goals, fuelling your SEO efforts.

SEO is one of the most ethical and result-driven tactics that makes your website search engine-friendly, enabling easy crawling and indexing. The primary goal of SEO is to achieve higher rankings and attract a large section of the target audience. It establishes your online prominence by encouraging brand authority and credibility. Without SEO, you cannot mark a successful digital footprint.

Nonetheless, SEO is an umbrella term involving the strategic implementation of diverse tactics. Hence, for any business or marketer, there is a need to hire an SEO consultant to experience fruitful results.

In this blog, we will learn about the various aspects of an SEO consultant, helping you to determine whether you need to hire one! Let’s begin this exciting journey! 

What is an SEO Consultant?

A search engine consultant is an expert specializing in website optimization to enhance its visibility by helping it rank in the top search results. Whether working as a freelancer or a part of a digital marketing company, the task of an SEO consultant is pivotal in the team. The overall processing of search engine optimization depends on the specialist as he possesses profound knowledge about the workings of search engines, the latest trends and practices and proficiency in adjusting to the changing search engine algorithms.

The job of a search engine optimization consultant is multifaceted. Typically, they propose a host of services to help struggling businesses combat the digital competition. Though you may be aware of the basics of SEO, your website is still underperforming because you do not have the skills, expertise, or time required for such a complex task. Thankfully, we have experts we can rely on!

According to Backlinko, Google uses over 200 factors in their algorithms for website rankings. Also, Google organic search is responsible for 57.8% of the world’s overall web traffic.

So, how far do you think you can reach without professional SEO assistance? 

What Does an SEO Consultant Do?

The responsibilities of a search optimization consultant are diverse and enormous. They provide targeted solutions to help clients accomplish their marketing goals while implementing the best practices and strategies to complement their requirements. The nature and scope of work of an SEO consultant depend entirely on the industry. However, a business or a marketer can hire an SEO expert to execute a specific task or project.

What Does an SEO Consultant Do

If we are to talk about the responsibilities of a search engine optimization consultant, here it goes:

1. Perform an SEO Audit-

Most certainly, whenever you appoint an SEO consultant, the first thing they will do is perform an SEO audit. It is the process of analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your website. In other words, through an SEO audit, you receive an in-depth understanding of your website’s performance in search rankings while identifying its status. It specially reviews your website’s structure and content to recognize the improvement areas. The process involves:

  • Examining indexation issues
  •  Analyzing web core vitals and page load speed
  • Identifying keyword and content flaws
  •  Assessing the backlink profile
  • Evaluating competitors’ strategies
  • Unveiling prospective optimization opportunities

2. Propose an SEO Strategy-

After analyzing the structural and functional issues of your website, there comes the most significant part- planning the right SEO strategy. Every business is distinct, and so does its marketing requirements. No one rule fits all! So, based on the findings of the SEO audit, your consultant will come up with a strategy that will help to achieve your business goals.

For an effective SEO strategy, it is necessary to acknowledge your business goals, target audience, and niche competition. By this, your SEO consultant can figure out the challenges and opportunities in your business. Considering your website’s authority and topical expertise, an SEO professional can create the ideal strategy for optimal effectiveness.

3. Perform Keyword Research and Analysis-

What happens after you have a set strategy? An average of 75.5% of marketers implement keyword research to create content for businesses and consumers. It means that without relevant keywords in your content or web page, you will not accomplish an impressive rank in the SERPs. Therefore, keyword research is vital to improve your website’s visibility while boosting its search rank.

Keywords are the terms or phrases that are popularly used by searchers when searching for businesses, products, or services. The more competent a keyword, the higher its visibility. An SEO consultant will determine the relevant and valuable keywords and use them strategically in your website’s content to enhance its significance, relativity, and usefulness. Search engines recognize the search intent of these keywords to rank your content.

4. Conduct On-Page Optimization-

On-page SEO refers to the optimization of the elements present on your web pages so that search engines can easily crawl and index them. It is one of the fundamental components of SEO responsible for website ranking and attracting organic traffic. On-page SEO comprises content, site architecture, and HTML elements.

A search engine consultant optimizes the content, title tags, meta descriptions, headings, internal links, Alt texts, URLs, page speed, and mobile responsiveness to make your website search-engine friendly and also readable to human eyes. Thus, from identifying high-quality keywords to optimizing the core web page elements, an SEO consultant imposes multiple tactics for effective on-page optimization.

5. Implement Off-Page Optimization-

Off-page SEO, or off-site SEO, involves techniques to attract links from other websites, social shares, brand mentions, etc. These are the external factors responsible for establishing your site’s credibility and domain authority. In other words, off-page optimization tells search engines about the significance of your website across the Internet. The links you receive from other sources act as endorsements exhibiting the quality and authenticity of your website.

A search optimization consultant identifies the quality of backlinks because all links are not created equal and will not drive relevant traffic to your website. Spammy links are avoided as they negatively affect your page ranking. Links with high DA, rich Anchor text, relevant content, and higher positioning are always the best vet. It is obvious one must avoid links from websites with irrelevant niches and sketchy reputations. Other methods to create backlinks are brand mentions, social sharing, using citations like Google My Business optimization, etc. Also, note that ‘add me to search or creating a Google People Card is another effective off-page SEO strategy. 

6. Measure and Report-

After you have a comprehensive SEO strategy, an SEO consultant tracks your SEO performance based on several metrics. How do you know your efforts are working until you track it? So, to analyze the performance of the SEO strategy, your consultant will monitor and measure the results. Using various tools and collecting data points like keyword rankings, organic traffic, search visibility, bounce rate, conversion rate, backlinks, click-through rate (CTR), core web vitals, page speed, exit rate, domain authority, etc., an SEO professional examines the effectiveness of the applied strategies.

You will receive the performance report helping you to determine whether your SEO investment is pulling off well! These insights also enable a search engine optimization consultant to refine the strategies for improved results. Tracking and tweaking are the constant processes in SEO, responsible for keeping you ahead of the competition.

Additionally, an SEO consultant may also provide SEO training, especially to businesses that have an in-house digital marketing team. Indeed, it is not obligatory, but it is a critical task that strengthens a company’s digital marketing cornerstone. The training involves guiding you through the various realms of SEO, which will continue to provide measurable outcomes. 

Why Should You Hire a Search Engine Optimization Consultant?

Now, it is pretty obvious that the task of an SEO consultant is highly critical and comprises multiple facets. Whether your business goal is to generate brand awareness or increase lead generation, hiring an SEO professional is always a smart investment for the following reasons:

5 Major Reasons to Hire SEO Consultants
  • Improve Website Ranking- If your website does not show up in the top results of local search, it indicates that your website lacks a comprehensive SEO strategy. 46% of the Google searches are for local businesses. In such a scenario, you must possess an impressive rank to attract traffic.
  • Increase Website Traffic- Search engine traffic is the fundamental indicator of whether your SEO strategy is working. If your website traffic is flatlining or it is not increasing, you have an evident reason to hire a search engine consultant! They possess intensive knowledge and understanding of search engine algorithms and user behaviour, which are the elemental factors affecting website ranking, visibility, and organic traffic.
  • Remove Google Penalties- Did you receive a Google update and your rankings came down? You probably received a Google penalty! Google penalties occur when you do not comply with its practices. Such penalties are often difficult to remove without professional assistance. Sometimes, trying to fix the problem yourself can cause even more damage. Who will save you from such a situation? Of course, an SEO consultant!
  • Revamping Your Website- While you may be scaling your business, you want a new website or updating your existing website. It altogether sounds exciting till you come across the difficulties of ranking. In other words, creating a new website or revamping the old one accompanies a set of new challenges. You must focus on your marketing goals and craft an SEO strategy that will work best for you. Nobody can do better than a specialist!
  • Lack of In-House Resources- Though you may have an in-house SEO team, it may not always work out for you! As a dynamic digital marketing trend, the nuances of SEO are persistently changing. It is not possible to monitor them without adequate tools and resources. Your in-house digital marketing crew may unfortunately, lack the required expertise and experience to combat the ever-evolving challenges. 

How to Select a Professional SEO Consulting Company?

It is not difficult to find a professional SEO consulting company. You can run a Google search, ask your network, check online directories, or even post on job boards. Nonetheless, the tricky part is about choosing the right one! The right search engine optimization consultant can benefit you in several ways, while landing on the wrong one is a waste of time and money.

We have shared tips about selecting an ideal SEO consultant, saving you from all the struggles! Have a look.

Broad-Spectrum Understanding-

SEO is a comprehensive field consisting of diverse practices and tactics. It is not only about ranking your website but other agendas like attracting increased web traffic, enhancing online visibility, establishing your brand’s reputation, encouraging higher conversions, and getting you better ROI. Thus, it is a composite activity requiring a vast understanding of the same.

In order to achieve optimal results, an SEO consultant puts in a lot of effort, like optimizing the website content, improving mobile-friendliness, linking the pages, building backlinks and other strategies to fetch you optimal results. Hence, it is essential your SEO consulting company must possess an extensive comprehension of the diverse approaches to achieve your marketing goals.


The level of expertise determines the consultant’s ability to manoeuvre project complexities. The more the experience, the more the expertise. Obviously, you cannot hire a novice trying to impress you with words! The years spent in the industry make a consultant expert in the arena who can handle all project requirements effortlessly.

So, always consider the years of experience before making the final call. For maximum effectiveness of your SEO efforts, all you need is an ace professional, qualified and well-trained to deliver projects with desirable results.

Customized Solutions-

Every business need differs. There is no one-size-fits-all venture. Even if you belong to the same industry, your business goal will differ from your strongest competitor! Therefore, you require a tailored approach focusing on accomplishing your requirements. The key to achieving an impressive SEO performance is flexibility.

For example, if you have a local clothing store, your Google My Business profile must focus on acquiring better visibility in the local search. It will help you to reach your target market, maximizing lead generation and sales.


The success history or the track record of your SEO consulting company should not be incomplete or patchy. Accomplishments are clear evidence of whether the company is reliable. Whether it is about being a Google-certified business or getting featured in a top magazine, accomplishments make you more reputed and credible.

You can instantly trust your search optimization consultant by checking out the work portfolio. The number of successful projects delivered and the list of happy clients are enough to justify your consultant’s competency.

Compliance with Best SEO Practices-

Let us tell you that not all consulting companies practice White hat SEO. When you try to rank your website in the search results adhering to the rules and guidelines of SEO, it is called white hat SEO. It is a fair practice where the SEO experts do not manipulate search engine algorithms. Instead, they follow the best practices and adapt their strategies per the algorithm updates.

But black hat SEO deters. It violates search engine guidelines, often resulting in penalties. Black hat SEO manipulates the algorithms through trickery and unfair practices, causing a downward fall. Hence, always ensure your SEO consultant practices white hat SEO.  


Never overlook the reputation of the consulting company! Check for online reviews and follow up on existing clients to determine their service quality. The reputation of a consulting company matters a lot when it comes to efficiency and the quality of results you receive. A positive recognition implies you can rely on the consultant regarding project delivery, results, and better ROI.

Since online reviews may not provide a clear picture, it is recommended to check up on existing clients. They are the most reliable sources of genuine feedback.

Communication Skills-

Whether you are hiring a consulting company for performance marketing or content marketing, understand that clear, transparent communication is obligatory. Your SEO consultant must provide you with project updates, reports, and other critical information relevant to the task. Communication is the base of any long-term relationship. Trust us, you are going to partner with your consulting company for a really long time because SEO can take up to several months to deliver measurable results.

From discussing the SEO plan with you to stating the major improvements, your SEO consulting company must let you know everything. It will also help you to stay out of conflicts.

Transparent Agreement-

Whether you are hiring your SEO consulting company on a contract basis or as a freelancer, be clear about the payment terms, scope of work, and project duration. To ensure a cordial partnership, it is essential you discuss everything before assigning the project. There may be disagreements regarding expected results and the project fundamentals during delivery. We are pretty sure nobody wants that!

Getting a written contract is always advisable to skip misunderstandings and ensure a healthy partnership.


How do you know you have invested in the right SEO consultant until you receive results? By this, we mean your consulting company must track and monitor SEO performance and provide you with a thorough report. Your consultant is accountable for providing you insights into the SEO results so that you can assess its effectiveness.

Reporting is a crucial part of SEO that evaluates performance. It determines the legitimacy and competency of your consultant which makes up the core of all the efforts.

Consider Pricing-

Lastly, consider your SEO marketing budget before appointing your consulting company. SEO is multifaceted, comprising multiple techniques and skills. Hence, the pricing varies according to the packages.

However, not all businesses require similar packages. So consider your business goals and budget before you pick a package. Your investment must be worth the results! Right?

Why SEO Consulting is Important for Your Business Growth?

Businesses of all sizes need SEO consulting for growth and expansion. Do you want to know how they can help you?

Why SEO Consulting is Important

Let’s find out.

  • Enhanced SEO performance- An SEO consultant is a professional equipped with a better understanding of the search engine algorithms, which helps in defining a sustainable strategy that will drive you optimal results. Whether you are not appearing in the search results or your website is not attracting enough traffic, through SEO consulting, you can escalate your SEO performance.  
  • Boost Website Visibility- Through the best SEO efforts, you can rank higher in the search results and appear more frequently on the digital platform. It will automatically attract web traffic due to enhanced visibility. So, they enable customers to find your business on the online platform.
  • Encourage Qualified Leads- When you have a robust SEO strategy with high-quality backlinks, it will fetch you potential leads from reliable sources. Connecting your site to other websites boosts exposure and establishes your online presence. As a result, you will receive qualified leads through backlinks, Google My Business, citations, brand mentions, etc.
  • Higher Conversions- What happens when you attract potential leads? It increases the chances of conversions. Whether signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase, conversion will happen either way. It implies you will also experience more sales.
  • Promote Brand- Since SEO is an impactful digital marketing trend, you can be assured SEO consulting will lead to extensive audience reach. Appearing in the top search results exposes you to a large section of the target audience. What can be a better way to promote your brand?
  • Beat Industry Competition- An SEO consultant will help you gain a competitive advantage by conducting a thorough competitor analysis and refining the strategies. They will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the top brands in your industry and optimize your SEO strategy to beat the competition.
  • Stay Updated- Since search engine algorithms are constantly changing, it is pretty overwhelming to keep up with the trend. If you fail, you will soon lose your position. Thankfully, you have SEO consultants persistently tracking and monitoring changes and tweaking your strategy whenever necessary!
  • Save Time and Money- Being a multidisciplinary approach, SEO can be exhaustive and time-consuming. Definitely, you cannot do it alone without expertise! Nonetheless, a consultant can effortlessly perform the task with his knowledge and experience. Also, you save a lot of money spent on expensive paid campaigns!
  • Optimal ROI- These consultants assure maximum ROI through higher visibility, increased leads, and boosted sales. Though SEO is a slow process, you gain sustainable results.
  • Accomplish Business Goals- Lastly, you cannot think of acquiring successful business growth without an SEO consultant. Living in a digital era, it is impossible to mark a prominent online footprint without a robust SEO strategy. And you know, it is almost impossible without a specialist!


To sum up, SEO pricing may vary from consultant to consultant, but the task remains as critical as it ought to be. Hiring an SEO consultant is the best thing you can do to grow your business. They will genuinely help you to achieve the desired marketing objectives and offer you sustainable success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Why do I need an SEO Consultant?

Ans. An SEO consultant is an expert specializing in optimizing websites for better search result ranking and increased traffic drive. SEO is essential to enhance your website’s performance in the search results while making it search engine-friendly and also improving user experience. Without a well-optimized website, you cannot rank in the SERPs, losing a vast section of your audience. An SEO consultant rightfully does the job to help you gain web traffic and boost conversions.

Q. What are the qualities of a good SEO consultant?

Ans. SEO is a complex job requiring extensive digital marketing skills and an understanding of the functioning of search engine algorithms. A good SEO consultant must possess a comprehensive perspective and knowledge, a focused vision, excellent adaptability, outstanding communication skills, and curiosity. Of course, years of experience and technical skills are other factors of consideration.

Q. What should I expect from an SEO consultant?

Ans. The fundamental goal of any SEO consultant is to make your website rank higher in the search results while boosting online visibility. Whether you are hiring an agency or an individual, expect to have desirable SEO results, which include attracting more organic traffic, enhancing brand awareness, establishing market dominance, and higher sales. In other words, your SEO consultant will help you accomplish your business goals.

Q. Can an SEO consultant help my business grow?

Ans. Of course! The goal of an SEO consultant is to help you achieve your business objectives, which may include encouraging brand awareness, attracting leads, or generating sales. Whichever it is, your business will grow and expand in either way.


Content Marketing for SEO Success

A combined content marketing and SEO strategy are the perfect ingredients for the most impactful digital marketing results. They work together like magic by driving more organic traffic and establishing authority, trust, and loyalty. Let alone content marketing take over without SEO; you will never receive considerable effectiveness. Similarly, considering only SEO without understanding its connection with content will unfortunately make no sense!

Content Marketing for SEO Success

But, when you implement content marketing for SEO, you will generate agreeable outcomes, enabling you to beat the digital combination. SEO will drive you relevant organic traffic, while content marketing helps to build customer loyalty by demonstrating thought leadership.

According to HubSpot, companies publishing blogs receive 55% more traffic and have 97% more backlinks . It means that SEO content writing is a potential digital marketing tool to attract audiences since it nurtures their interests and engagement, gradually building trust.

Research by DemandGenReport concluded that 55% of buyers now rely more on content research before making purchase decisions Thus, undeniably content marketing can attract new traffic and retain existing audience while boosting your website’s visibility score.

Nonetheless, content marketing is a focused approach. It is the creation and distribution of relevant, valuable, consistent, and high-quality content for SEO. We will discuss in this blog how content marketing and SEO proffer an excellent symbiotic relationship through various strategies. So, let’s explore it in depth.   

Content Marketing Strategies for SEO

Before dwelling on the strategies, let’s have a quick look at the basics of SEO and content marketing.

What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website to make it search-engine friendly for crawling and indexing. These are the two integral processes involved in search result ranking. Through SEO, you can improve the visibility of your website to reach your target audience.

What is Content Marketing?

The process of creation, publication, and distribution of content over various online platforms is known as content marketing. It includes blogs, articles, emails, newsletters, eBooks, videos, podcasts, and case studies. The fundamental goal of content marketing is to communicate relevant and useful information to your audience. It helps to nurture audience interests and engagement to attract new leads and retain the old ones.

When we speak of content marketing for SEO, it indicates the strategic implementation of content to meet the SEO goals- website rankings, visibility, organic traffic, audience engagement, and conversions. So, how to promote content for SEO? What’s included in the checklist? Let’s find out.

  • Keyword Research- The journey of SEO content writing begins with keyword research. Keywords are the words or phrases that are popularly used in search queries by the searchers. The higher the search volume, the more competitive the keyword. Identifying these keywords and using them strategically in your content makes it more valuable, informative, and relevant.

Keyword research is one of the significant content marketing strategies for website ranking. It provides you with valuable insights into the queries that your target audience is actually looking for. Targeting such keywords helps your content rank higher in search engines while driving more traffic and increasing visibility. Focus on what the audience wants to discover instead of what you want to tell. It will improve inbound traffic.

  • Content Planning- To create impactful content marketing for SEO, you must define a plan. Your task of content marketing does not end at creating content; you have to schedule when to publish what content so that there is consistency. To stay connected with audiences and keep them engaged, consistency is crucial. Also, there are two significant factors you must consider while creating your content- understanding your target audience and recognizing search intent.

When you understand the needs and preferences of your target audience, you can deliver more relevant and specific content, which will automatically boost engagement. Based on search intent, there are four types of content- informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional. When you implement these practices, you can create engaging content for SEO.  

  • Content Types- The top three types of content are videos, blogs, and images. So, when you focus on creating content that attracts more traffic, you have increased chances of ranking high on the SERPs. However, every content type has a distinct pattern. In other words, your blogs and videos cannot have a similar structure. You have to employ a precise approach for the most impactful results.

We have listed the best practices for SEO content creation for different types of content. Check them out:


  • Choose the right hosting platform
  • Create an engaging video thumbnail
  • Use video transcripts
  • Insert keywords in the title and description
  • Embed your video
  • Do not embed the same video on multiple pages
  • Make your video the highlight of your page
  • Your page content must be relevant to the video


  • Choose a topic based on search intent
  • Write an eye-catching title
  • Optimize title tag and meta description
  • Strategically place keywords
  • Include captivating CTA
  • Mention author


  • Choose the appropriate format
  • Select compression rate
  • Optimize file names and image title
  • Include captions
  • Use Alt text
  • Add image structured data
  • The content must complement the images
  • Insert site maps
  • Link Building- Content marketing and link building go hand-in-hand. There are basically two types of link building strategies- internal linking and backlinks. Internal linking is the process of hyperlinking to other pages on your website. It encourages audience engagement while keeping them on your site. On the other hand, backlinks are external links that connect your page to other websites. The primary goal of backlinks is to drive traffic from other sources and establish your website’s credibility and authoritativeness. Businesses incorporating link building have a 45% higher success rate than those that don’t .

Both internal links and external links are essential elements of SEO content writing. They contribute to your website’s architecture and promote its visibility across various platforms. Link building strategy improves readability and navigation, which are pivotal for boosting audience engagement while reducing bounce rate. Additionally, you have better chances of lead generation and conversions. 

Content Promotion to Build Authority

Now you know how to write content that ranks in Google. But what to do next? After creating high-quality content, you need to promote it through various channels to go that extra mile! Content promotion enables distribution and amplification of content to enhance visibility and audience reach. It helps you to achieve your marketing goals, like creating brand awareness, driving more traffic, increasing lead generation, or encouraging sales.

You can opt for multiple approaches to promote your content. We have discussed the most influential content marketing trends for 2024 and beyond that help in effective promotion. This section will be really interesting!

  • Social Sharing- An estimated 4.9 billion people use social million, and it is constantly on the rise. Around 77% of businesses use social media to reach target consumers . Do the numbers sound intriguing? Well, one of the most effective ways to promote your content is via social media channels. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are the prominent social platforms offering a variety of content promotion. Whether you consider news feeds, posts, or paid campaigns, these platforms can expose your brand to a vast audience, improving awareness and reputation.

Considering content marketing strategies for startups, social sharing can be your ultimate weapon to capture the attention of your target audiences. Undoubtedly, repeated visibility on such platforms generates brand recognition, which is ultimately responsible for building trust and authority.

  • Influencer Marketing- How many times have you seen an Instagram reel where an influencer is promoting a brand or service? Many times, we guess! Today, half of the millennials trust influencer’s product recommendations. What is influencer marketing? Influencers are individuals with a long list of followers on social platforms. They are not celebrities but people with impactful digital presence. Collaborating with such influencers to promote your brand, product(s), or service(s) can help in targeted content distribution.

It is one of the prominent content marketing examples for SEO that is currently taking the Internet by storm! You can ask an influencer for quotes in your blogs or directly promote your brand through a short video or product description. Influencers charge a fee, but it is much less compared to the ROI.

  • Email Marketing- Hyper-personalization is what the recent SEO content writing focuses on. It means sharing content based on individual preferences to enhance user experience and stay connected with existing clients. Email marketing is one such strategy that allows you to create and send emails with ultimate personalized content. 87% of businesses have reported success through email marketing. Therefore, email marketing is crucial for business growth. You can establish better client interaction and keep them informed about new product launches, festive discounts, etc. It is indeed a great way to keep your target audiences motivated.

For the best email marketing results, implement these practices:

  • Subscriber segmentation
  • Create optimized lead magnets
  • Employ automation
  • Create a welcome series
  • Personalize your emails
  • Focus on mobile-friendliness
  • Choose the ideal time
  • Include the email reply address
  • Use email analytics
  • Guest Blogging- Finally, let’s talk about blog posts for SEO. Guest blogging is an ethical and sustainable way to improve your SEO performance. You can build high-quality backlinks, driving potential leads from other reputed sources. Writing a blog for another relevant website allows you to link that site to your website. Hence, you receive rich organic traffic possessing a higher potential for conversions.

As a powerful content marketing tactic, guest blogging has come a long way. The blogs and articles include your byline, and often it is highlighted by the website’s editor. Isn’t it amazing when your blog is published in other places? So, how do you implement guest blogging?

  • Define and set your goals
  • Choose topics that will help you accomplish your business goals
  • Determine reputed guest blogging sites.
  • Pitch your ideas
  • Write your blog post
  • Track the results 

Track Content Performance

So, content creation, planning, and promotion are done. Now, it is time to track content performance for SEO. It is unarguably the most significant step in the overall process. You will always want to compare your results since the time you implemented your content marketing strategy.

Tracking performance is also beneficial to make adjustments for improvement. It provides you with an insight into what is working and what is not. There are metrics to monitor content performance, which are quantitative and qualitative data points. These metrics help you evaluate the effectiveness of content marketing for SEO. So, what are these metrics?

  • Organic search traffic
  • Number of views
  • Keyword rankings
  • Impressions
  • Backlinks
  • Brand mentions
  • Traffic sources
  • Conversion rate
  • Return on investment
  • Growth of followers or subscribers
  • Average engagement rate
  • Average engagement time
  • Social media engagements
  • Click-through rate

These are the principal metrics used to measure visibility, track your audience source, evaluate conversions and sales, and analyze engagement.

Bonus Tip: Measure the ROI of content marketing for SEO by subtracting content marketing revenue from content marketing expenditure divided by spend. For example, if you have spent $1000 and earned $1,500, your ROI is ($1500-$1000) /$1000) x 100= 50%

Thus, your content marketing ROI is 50%.

Calculating ROI is essential to determine where you must put your investment and secure buy-ins from stakeholders. 

Wrapping Up!

To achieve the best results from SEO content writing, you must have a straightforward approach and a clear insight into your marketing goals, target audiences, and distribution channels. Creating high-quality content and sharing it is hard work. It requires a team of spontaneous writers and SEO experts. Content marketing alone cannot do wonders until you combine it with SEO. Content without SEO will be far less visible, with less engagement, fewer reads, and insignificant conversions.

Similarly, SEO with thin content will be uninspiring and attract less traffic. Blending the two becomes your secret weapon to a successful business. While SEO attracts traffic, content encourages lead generation. When you combine both of them, you will have audiences coming back for more!

So, are you ready to plan your content marketing for SEO?


The Future of Local SEO: Trends and Strategies for 2024 and Beyond

In the past year, we have witnessed significant transformation in the local SEO landscape, and it is persistently evolving. Advanced search technologies and changing consumer behaviours have influenced businesses of all sizes to refine their digital presence.

In a mobile-first world, optimizing web pages for mobile devices is no longer optional. It has become a necessity for the ultimate local SEO trends 2024. The paradigm shift will continue to shape the best practices for local SEO in the present year and beyond.

Future of Local SEO: Trends and Strategies

Since local SEO is a significant strategy to increase the visibility of businesses in local search results of Google, it is not only restricted to Google My Business optimization. If you want to appear more prominently in the search results of a specific geographic area, you have to leverage innovations and avant-garde technologies to stay ahead of the curve.

As ‘search Google or type a URL’ is where the online journey begins, you must stay updated with the Google algorithm changes. Undoubtedly, frequent algorithm updates provide more relevant and accurate results, but it becomes challenging to keep up with the pace.

Nonetheless, when you begin acknowledging these trends, you can encourage digital dominance through improved visibility, traffic drive, and boosted conversions. In this post, we will provide insights into the latest local SEO practices, ensuring long-term success and business growth.

So, what to look for in 2024? 

Local SEO Trends to Watch

As you know, local SEO strategies for small businesses are critically significant to rank better in search engines and reach out to local audiences. It promotes enhanced visibility, generates brand awareness and is also responsible for establishing a credible online reputation. When you optimize your website for local search, you not only encourage online traffic but foot traffic as well because statistics reveal that 80% of local searches convert .

Therefore, local SEO has a substantial impact on your business growth and expansion! It is undeniably one of the critical components that firmly take part in accomplishing your marketing goals. And the journey begins with ‘add me to search’- the easiest way to mark your Google presence!

What else can you do to improve your local online visibility in 2024?

Google My Business Optimization

It is not surprising if we say that ‘near me’ searches have increased up to 500% in the past few years. So, optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) profile remains the leading element of local SEO. It is one of the most noteworthy ways to establish your business profile on Google. You can easily reach target audiences through Google Search and Google Maps.

This free business profile helps you to manage your business details, business hours, location, and contact number. It means anybody searching for relevant businesses, products, or services within a specific area can spot you instantly through GMB listing.

Additionally, Google My Business helps in managing online reputation through local SEO because people find local businesses more reliable when they have a GMB profile. And not to miss out, Google My Business optimization improves your search result rankings as Google verifies your data. Isn’t that amazing?  

Mobile Optimization

How important is mobile optimization for local SEO? What do you think? According to On The Map Marketing, 57% of local searches are conducted on mobile devices. What does that mean? Optimizing your website for mobile search is a prerequisite to improving your Google ranking in recent times. It is so because Google’s algorithm uses the mobile version of your website for indexing. This is known as mobile-first indexing, which considerably affects your website ranking.

To optimize website for mobile search, you must focus on page speed, responsiveness, and navigation. These are the key components that reduce bounce rates and enhance user experience. Therefore, use a mobile-friendly web design, large and readable fonts, clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and compressed images for effective mobile optimization results.

Proximity Marketing

You may not be aware of proximity marketing since it is a new addition to local SEO strategies for small businesses. It is a marketing strategy targeting a customer at the right place at the right time. To simplify, businesses send customers highly personalized messages based on their location proximity, increasing the chances of conversions.

Therefore, through proximity marketing, you can create and send customized marketing campaigns to enhance customer experience. Proximity marketing for local businesses is gradually crawling up the curve due to hyper-personalized experience and boosted app engagement. It also enables you to collect data about customer behaviour, which helps create better campaigns.

Thanks to the advancements of local SEO! We can now delve into individual preferences and optimize our strategies to outrank the competition!  

Localizing Content

When you are targeting local audiences, it is worthwhile to integrate location-based keywords for SEO. Optimizing your website for local search does not simply imply adding city or area names; you must draw cultural relevance. It is best incorporated by using regional language and naturally placing local keywords.

You can also highlight local stories, events, and regional issues to promote community engagement. It marks your active involvement and concern about the local happenings. With the increasing significance of local SEO, many businesses today implement strategies like providing local contact numbers and store directions.

These practices have enormously influenced relatability as audiences can more easily connect with you. It is definitely going to become the future of local search rankings!

Voice Search Optimization

Today, voice search and local SEO go hand-in-hand! Instead of ‘search or type web address’, people these days prefer voice search. Statistics reveal that more than 1 billion voice searches occur over a month. And over 50% of adults use voice search daily. The number is on the rise, and it will predominantly overtake most of the mobile searches. Not just smartphones, voice assistants like Google, Siri, and Alexa are also available on smart speakers.

Why voice search? The answer is easy. Voice search is more convenient as the user does not have to use hands and can multitask. Typically, you can use voice search anytime, anywhere, no matter how important a task you are performing. All you have to do is command your voice assistant! And there you go! You have got your queries answered.

However, SEO for voice search differs from the usual optimization procedure. Voice searches are generally conversational. Hence, they are longer than text queries. You have to focus on long-tail keywords and natural language to portray conversational speech. Voice search is faster, easier, and more natural, making it one of the predominant local SEO trends 2024.  

So, now you know about the predominant trends and practices that are gaining immense popularity in the present day. Nonetheless, the question remains ‘How to dominate local search in 2024?’ Despite knowing the strategies, it becomes difficult to implement them until you are aware of the procedure. In other words, whether it is about creating localized content or optimizing voice search, you must have an understanding of the prevalent tactics.

In the next segment, we have discussed the various approaches in detail. We ensure you will soon build your c

ompetent local SEO strategy that will lead to exponential success.  

Adapting to the Changing Trends

Tips to Optimize Google My Business Profile

To leverage the advantage of the impressive features of GMB, you must know the right strategies. Most businesses own a GMB profile yet do not receive sufficient actions when an average Google My Business listing receives 1,260 views a month. Why do you think the scenario is so? Particularly because the GMB listings are not fully optimized. Hence, before you go wrong, take a look at the best practices for managing Google My Business listing:

  • Fill in all the details in each section of your GMB profile.
  • Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate.
  • Put your contact information precisely, and remember they must match other listings across the Internet.
  • Write a complete business description. Be informative, but keep it crisp.
  • Add your product(s) and service(s).
  • Retain the consistency of the NAP (name, address, and phone number) details. Update it whenever necessary.
  • Choose your primary and secondary business categories.
  • Pick applicable attributes.
  • Add high-quality photos and update them frequently.
  • Publish Google posts every week.
  • Get customer reviews.
  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Enable messaging.
  • Keep updating your GMB profile.

How to Create Location-Specific Content?

Creating localized content is one of the potential local SEO tools and resources. It enables you to reach local audiences and establish market authority. Apart from that, such content provides insight into the needs and interests of the target audiences. For SEO startups, it acts as a result-driven tactic to drive traffic and increase conversions.

Definitely using relevant local keywords strategically in your content is one of the best practices to propose a powerful impact on local audiences. There are several other tactics, which are mentioned below:

  • Track local keyword rankings.
  • Target the right keywords which are relevant for local search.
  • Use geographical references and local landmarks.
  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Highlight local stories, events, and region-specific issues to improve relatability.
  • Add location-specific high-quality images.
  • Embed Google Maps offering directions to your store.
  • Put local contact numbers.
  • Employ well-crafted CTA, persuading visitors to take action.
  • Feature customer reviews since it promotes credibility and online reputation.
  • Use structured data or schema markup to enhance page relevance.
  • Include FAQs in your content.
  • Add location-specific promotions or offers on your website.

Leveraging Social Media

You have learned about the local SEO trends for Google Maps and crafting localized content. Now, finally, it’s time to focus on social media, which is one of the creative local SEO marketing strategies. By creative, we mean that you can use social media in various ways to promote ad campaigns and publish rich content.

About 61.4% of the world’s population uses social media. And social media makes 33% of all digital ads expenses . Therefore, for local engagement, social media plays a significant role.

Take a look at the impactful social media practices encouraging local SEO effectiveness:

  • Create engaging content with the local community.
  • Share relevant local content.
  • Participate in local conversations, including regional problems, events, etc.
  • Post reviews.
  • Publish content regularly.
  • Implement keyword-rich business information.
  • Create Social Landing Pages or Linkinbio.
  • For localized advertising, use geo-targeting features.
  • Engage in local social media trends.
  • Promote user-generated content from local consumers.  

Key Takeaways

From the insights gathered for local SEO trends 2024, we have numerous components to focus on.

Firstly, since mobile-first indexing is the new Google algorithm checklist, you must prioritize creating a mobile-friendly website to improve search result rankings, boost visibility, and enhance user experience. Without optimizing your site for mobile devices, you cannot leverage the effectiveness of local SEO.

Secondly, Google My Business optimization is a crucial factor that affects your search ranking and conversion rate. Implementing the right tactics can help you reach target audiences and establish prominent online authority.

Thirdly, voice search is an incredibly powerful tool to maximize the results of local SEO. The increasing use of smartphones and smart speakers has enabled easy, faster, and convenient search through voice commands. It will become the future of local search.

Fourthly, for small businesses, proximity marketing is flourishing with time. It can benefit your target audiences to learn more about your business and offer a hyper-personalized experience.

Fifthly, creating and publishing localized content is effective in driving more traffic and encouraging conversions. It promotes credibility and generates a positive reputation.

Lastly, never ignore the significance of social media marketing. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are undoubtedly powerful channels to share and promote marketing campaigns. You receive extensive exposure and generate brand awareness.

Before we wrap up, you have one more critical element to consider- tracking and monitoring SEO performance. You cannot assess the results of your SEO strategies until you track them. It also helps you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your website, offering a scope for improvements. So, get hold of your SEO audit checklist and keep refining your strategies to accomplish your marketing goals.


How to Choose a Performance Marketing Company for Your Small Business?

Performance Marketing

Digital marketing is a vast realm and its prospects are growing over time. For anybody unaware of performance marketing, let us tell you that it is a form of digital marketing where advertisers pay the marketing agency only when some actions happen. It can be click, lead, or sale.

Precisely, you pay your service provider after you meet your business objectives! It is an incredible digital marketing strategy for small businesses, focusing on audience reach at a low budget. Since performance marketing is driven by results, you can expect low investment with higher ROI.

Do you know what the various types of performance marketing strategies for small businesses are? SEO, PPC advertising, content marketing, email marketing, social media advertising, display advertising, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing- you name it and it’s there! 

The fascinating part is you do not pay for ads like the traditional method. You pay based on how well your campaign is performing by evaluating the number of clicks, shares, impressions, and sales.

However, your journey of experiencing an extraordinary performance marketing result begins by choosing your service provider. An expert performance marketing company can raise your sales sky-high, promoting growth and expansion.

So, today, our topic of discussion centres on settling on the right agency so that you save your precious time, money, and effort. For a promising impact on your small business, follow the guidelines closely and stay mindful! 

Things to Consider Before Hiring Your Performance Marketing Company

Surely, there are numerous performance marketing companies, especially when most businesses these days are leveraging its potential benefits and have experienced tremendous success.

86% of marketers have increased brand awareness through one or more digital marketing channels. And 75% of marketers have improved their company’s trust and credibility using the same.

As we know, figures do not lie! The success of digital marketing lies clearly in front of us! Now that you cannot help yourself but consider harnessing its power to grow your small business, we have some significant tips for you. As your journey of performance marketing (digital marketing) begins by hiring an expert, check out the following points before making a move.

  • Understand Your Goal- Identify what you seek from your performance marketing agency because then only you can accomplish the desired results. As a business owner, you may wish to expand your client base, increase online traffic, or generate sales through performance marketing. Whatever your objective, keep it well-defined to ensure you are not disappointed with the performance results.  
  • Fix Your Budget- Allocating an amount for your performance marketing strategy is essential to ensure you experience long-term growth. Split your budget between various marketing channels depending on your business goals. It will help you retain your brand’s existence.
  • Explore Your Options- Lastly, when you have defined your goal and set your budget, it is time to choose the right digital marketing agency because that makes all the difference! If you want to secure the benefits of performance marketing for small businesses, you must make the best bid! How do you do that? We will come to it in the following section of our discussion.

Tips for Choosing Your Performance Marketing Agency

The global digital advertising and marketing market is predicted to reach $786.2 billion by 2026 (GlobeNewswire).

With such a boom in the industry, numerous digital marketing companies are sprouting up every day! It is indeed difficult to select the right one for your business when everyone claims to accomplish the target goals in minimum time!

Worry not! We are here to help you through the process. So, let’s begin!

  • Dig into the Case Studies- Assessing the previous work portfolio must be your primary step in choosing your performance marketing contractor. Visit their official website and check out the testimonials thoroughly. There must be some documented case studies helping you to learn about their scope of work, the type of projects they have worked on, the success rate, and other insights. You can compare whether they will match your business goal criteria or be capable enough to manoeuvre your project.
  • Reputation- You possibly cannot land on any company you find on the Internet! Get a clear picture of their offline and online reputation. You can check the reviews and ranking in search results, gather direct feedback from their clients, or rely on recommendations. Comprehend their trustworthiness and collaboration by investing some time in the groundwork.
  • Customer Service- A good customer service indicates credibility, responsiveness, and loyalty. Avoid companies with poor customer reviews to stay away from trouble. Post-sales service is often understated, which plays a significant role in determining the company’s reliability, courtesy, and compliance. It is the most crucial tool to retain existing consumers and create a loyal client base.
  • Service Costs- To stay away from unpleasant surprises, clarify the cost of performance marketing for small businesses. Get a proper price quotation and review the deliverables thoroughly for a better understanding of the terms and conditions. On top of that, it encourages a transparent partnership.

Additionally, we have some bonus tips:

  • Keep Your Options Open- Always approach more than one digital marketing company. Do not settle for the first one you come across! All the companies are equipped with different levels of experience and expertise. So, analyze them all and determine which one fits best for your small business. Also, you get a scope to explore your budget as you will receive diverse price quotations from multiple agencies.
  • Interrogate as Much as You Want- Do not hesitate to ask questions to your digital marketing service provider. Ask whatever comes to your mind and clarify doubts till there is time! It aids in narrowing down your options while providing better insights about a company’s authenticity. Doesn’t that make an impressive start?

What to Look For in Your Performance Marketing Partner?

A great performance marketing partner is the one move you need to accomplish your business goals! For a small business, the principal objective of hiring a performance marketing agency is to maximize lead generation, increase sales, and boost brand awareness.

So, you must consider the fact seriously and do not simply go about it randomly! Your decision is all it takes to curb the future of your business! But you don’t worry. We have got it all sorted for you!

Here are the chief qualities you must look for in your performance marketing partner:

  • Your marketing partner must have experience in your industry- Hire an agency that has prior experience in your industry. They will possess knowledge about your project complexities, enabling better planning and strategic approaches in campaign creation and promotion. It even boosts confidence in you about the expected results.
  • Learn about the tools they use for performance marketing- Before hiring anyone, you must know how to measure performance marketing results. When digging into the subject matter, you possibly cannot ignore learning about its functioning! Right? So, ask them about the tools they use for measuring your marketing performance. If they offer any proprietary technology, learn about their effectiveness.
  • Number of employees- You must be wondering why the size of the marketing partner matters. It does, to some extent! A small agency with fewer employees may propose direct communication with you, which is likely a favourable spot. However, they may lack the technological support compared to a company with hundreds of employees. But, in a big company, you may not experience the friendliness and warmth in the partnership. Tough choice, huh?
  • No irrational promises- If you think your performance marketing company is promising results that are too good to be true, it is a red flag. No matter how much they try to persuade you, never fall into the trap. Whenever you feel doubtful, ask for proof. There is no miracle that you receive results overnight!

Bottom Line

Performance marketing is an ever-changing game! The rules and trends are always on the move! Thus, the player must be dynamic and alert to track the changes in the competitive landscape. No matter what industry you belong to, hire your performance marketing partner only when they qualify for all the checklists!

If you need more assistance, Black Marlin Technologies is here to guide you. We pioneer in providing cutting-edge performance marketing solutions to businesses of all sizes and across multiple industries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is performance marketing?

Ans. Performance marketing is a digital marketing strategy where payments are made based on the results. In other words, when certain business objectives like click, lead, or sale are accomplished, the marketer pays for it. 

Q. What are the benefits of performance marketing?

Ans. Performance marketing is ideal for a small business as the budget is limited, and the company intends to grow through brand awareness, lead generation, and sales. 

Q. Should I invest in performance marketing?

Ans. Of course, you should invest in performance marketing if your primary objective is to encourage brand awareness and increase web traffic. Since the results are easily measurable, you are at a lower risk of losing money! 

Q. Do I need to hire a professional for performance marketing?

Ans. Yes. A professional performance marketing company possess extensive knowledge and expertise in the industry. They are aware of the challenges and the tools and tactics required to overcome them. If you are not an expert in this field, you should trust the professionals.


SEO for Voice Search: Prepare for the Conversational Future

“Hi Google, what is today’s weather update?”

 “Hello Google, which is the best restaurant near me?”

The stimulating voice of Google Assistant instantly responds to your queries while displaying the top results on the smartphone screen. So, how fast do you think the digital realm is changing?

According to statistics, 27% of mobile phone users use voice search, and a whopping 57% of the users rely on it to find local businesses (Yaguara).

Another number will add more juice to the above statement- 50% of adults worldwide use voice search every day (Yaguara)!

No wonder voice search SEO has become a popular trend in recent times to promote enhanced user experience. Search engine optimization or SEO not only focuses on increasing your search result ranking but also encourages better audience engagement through improved experience. The interesting part is Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri have become an integral part of our daily lives, administering various activities.

SEO for Voice Search

The smart integration of AI with human interface has provoked the emergence of a new era- conversational search optimization. With smart devices installed in our homes and workplaces, it is easy to monitor and receive information only by speaking!

Indeed, we benefit exponentially since we no longer need to type long phrases or sentences in the middle of a task where our hands are not free! Also, a disabled person can conveniently use voice search anytime, anywhere, without looking around for help!

Are you eager to learn about the voice search trends 2024? We will come to that, but let’s first understand what makes voice search a global digital phenomenon. Or why should we implement voice search SEO?

Here we go! 

Voice Search: The Interactive Search Technology

Speaking of voice search, do you know how it works? It is an advanced technology that lets you interact with the device instead of typing while you search for some information on the Internet. The primary objective of voice search is to access information and respond to your query in a convenient, hands-free manner.

When you activate your voice search assistant and say your query, the technology automatically imitates your words and comprehends your requirements. It then delivers you the requested action or relevant information.

Today, most websites focus on conversational search optimization because it provides an extraordinary user experience that boosts audience engagement. It means that the chances of conversion rise, too. Additionally, compared to traditional manual search, voice search is much more convenient, and you can perform it even when performing a critical task like driving!

SEO fundamentally deals with the optimization of your website or content for improved rankings and organic traffic and now prioritizes delivering optimal user experience. You do not want to stay long on a website that is difficult to navigate, slow, and boring. With enormous technological advancements, we now love and cherish things, offering personalized, valuable, and impeccable experiences. The same goes for the websites!

We optimize website for Google Assistant so that we can reach out to a wider mass from diverse channels. It increases brand exposure along with assuring better online dominance and lead generation.

Well, we will discuss voice search SEO in detail because it is ultimately the future of digital marketing. And, if you are wondering whether to optimize website for conversational queries, we have put down all the reasons in its favour!

Check them out!

What is the Impact of Voice Search on SEO?

To begin with, voice search typically differs from traditional search queries. The way people type in the search bar, they do not speak it the same way. In other words, there is a surge of change in search behaviour, resulting in an altogether transformation of search engine functioning.

What are these changes? Here is a list of alterations in the SEO and content strategy in the context of voice search.

  • Search Behaviour- As already mentioned, users do not speak the way they type. For example, to search for a pharmacy, we generally type “best pharmacy near me”. But, during a voice search, we say, “Which is the best pharmacy near me?” So, voice searches are more conversational instead of a set of phrases. It focuses on natural language processing for SEO for search engines to better adapt and understand the requirements. Undoubtedly, it has helped search engines process and access information instantly for better responses.
  • Long-Tail Keywords- In general SEO, we prioritize primary and secondary keywords, whereas the scenario is different in this case- long-tail keywords for voice search. It is essentially due to the change in search behaviour, which reflects more of the natural language orientation. And long-tail keywords serve the purpose as they indulge in distinctive search intents.
  • Search Intent and Context- Voice search is quite a milestone in terms of SEO. Earlier, it was only search intent that mattered in SEO. Nonetheless, through voice search, apart from the search intent, the context is also exhibited. Thanks to the context-rich phrases! They arrest the underlying conditions as well. For example, “Find me the nearest cheesecake shop”. Here, the user is not only referring to cheesecake shops but implying the location preference, too.
  • Local SEO- Local SEO is substantially affected by voice search. The “near me” or “nearby” searches have become extensively convenient as users can simply ask queries and receive responses immediately. Local SEO for voice search has become as accessible as the click of a button!
  • Optimization for Mobile Devices- Optimizing websites for mobile devices changed due to voice search. The websites must have faster loading speed, including structured data and images. They must also be able to adapt the natural language for improved voice search user experience.
  • Multimedia- Voice search results are often in the form of images and videos. The results don’t need to be only in text format. Therefore, for voice search SEO, you must optimize the multimedia content on your website to attract and engage users easily.
  • Google AI and SGE- Google AI algorithms and Search Generative Experience (SGE) have undergone an enormous transformation as they are now able to comprehend the interactive language and respond to queries effectively. It has enhanced natural language processing (NLP), enabling faster interpretation of context-rich, long phrases.  

Therefore, the paradigm of SEO has been drastically affected by voice search. Nonetheless, it is for the good as what we are experiencing today has introduced us to a new height of grasping information that takes only a hands-free operation!

In the next segment, we will discuss how to rank higher in voice search results for improved visibility and increasing lead generation prospects.

Are you ready for it?   

Optimizing Website for Voice Search

Now, there is a difference in the optimization strategies regarding voice search vs text search. Apart from the general SEO practices, voice search demands additional features for advanced conversational search.

According to statistics, voice search results load 52% faster than average search results (Yaguara). It implies that you have to optimize your website and content in such a way that the search engine can effectively process the natural language and respond to queries instantly.

We have shared insights into the potent tips for performing well in voice searches. In other words, the following strategies are highly functional for conversational search optimization. Let’s have a glance.

  • Recognize Search Intent- This means implementing a semantic search strategy where you prioritize comprehending the search intent of your users to improve your visibility in voice search results. When you focus on creating content that better complements the intent of search queries, you have a higher chance of appearing in the search results.

When users perform voice searches, they are more likely to use interactive language as if talking to another person. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what users are looking for better delivery of responses.

  • Aim for Featured Snippets- Featured snippets for voice search are what you must aim for. It is often referred to as “position zero”. According to My Codeless Website, featured snippets appear in 40.7% of voice results. Thus, it implies the significance of targeting “position zero” or featured snippets.

What is a featured snippet in search results? When you perform a search, often a highlighted box appears at the top of the results, which is known as a featured snippet. This box contains information with bolded text for the phrase you searched for. The featured snippet displays above the #1 search result. Additionally, Google perceives the information provided in a featured snippet to be concise and accurate. What can be a better way to get discovered in voice search?

  • Perform Keyword Research- Since voice search focuses on natural language, the keywords are long and conversational in nature, unlike conventional text-based searches. Hence, you must perform thorough keyword research based on popular questions and distinctive words or phrases that searchers extensively look for. When you include such words or phrases in your content, it increases your voice search ranking, resulting in a higher organic traffic drive.
  • Create Colloquial Content- Optimize content for voice queries reflecting a friendly tone. In other words, focus on integrating a language preferred by voice searchers. Keep it simple yet informative. Do not use jargon terms that most people will not understand. In fact, search engines also find it difficult to access such information.

Therefore, for voice search, your content must be communicative, just like the way we talk. The information must be easy to understand, cordial, and meaningful. Remember, voice search content is more about the expression!

  • Prioritize Mobile Optimization- Voice searches are more popular on mobile devices and tablets due to easy accessibility. Therefore, you must ensure that your website has faster page speed, easy to navigate, and has a well-formatted mobile-friendly design.

Voice search SEO primarily focuses on providing optimal experience to search engines and users as well. Mobile-friendliness is a fundamental factor that affects the ranking of websites on voice search results. Voice assistants like Google approve highly mobile-optimized web pages.

  • Use Structured Data- Structured data is a format offering information about a web page and categorizing its content. It enables search engines to better comprehend the content, encouraging convenient accessibility. Therefore, you are more likely to appear in voice search results.

The strategic implementation of structured data in your website offers insight into your site’s structure and context, which relatively promotes visibility. So, never ignore leveraging structured data!

  • Add FAQ Page- While conducting a voice search, users generally ask questions to receive answers. Putting up a FAQ page is an excellent way to attract audiences by answering their queries. These questions are most frequently asked, providing precise information about your business, product(s), and service(s).

A FAQ page is beneficial to the users since they can find the relevant information they are looking for. Also, FAQ can take you to a featured snippet, which is one of the best tools for voice search SEO. It effectively drives more organic traffic and encourages lead generation.

  1. Create a Google My Business Profile- Did you know more than 58% of Internet users use voice search to find local businesses (Synup)? Yes, you heard it right! It is indeed a pretty huge number! Therefore, it is necessary to have a Google My Business (GMB) profile to maximize the effectiveness of voice search.

The GMB listing is your key to attracting local traffic so that when users search “Where do I find the best cafe near me?” or “Which is the closest chemist shop?”, your GMB listing appears on the top. Your GMB profile must contain all the necessary details, like address, phone number, business hours, etc., for voice-ready search. Optimizing your GMB profile will yield you effective outcomes, escalating conversions and sales. 

Voice Search Trends to Follow in 2024

Typing keywords or phrases in the search bar has been predominantly in use for more than decades. However, the popularity of voice search has emerged over the past couple of years due to the pandemic. It is essentially to curtail touch points, which promotes safety. Since voice search is a touchless technology, it has become quite the trend in recent times.

Practically, voice search has altered the synergy of humans with AI. It is not surprising that voice search will become the future of SEO!

Take a look at the emerging voice search trends that will rule the digital universe!

  • Voice Search for Local Businesses- More users are inclined to local voice search these days, provoking businesses to optimize their websites accordingly. People increasingly use voice search to find local businesses.
  • Active Use of Smart Speakers- From Alexa to Siri, we have smart speakers installed in our homes and workplaces that help us manage tasks. From finding a song to asking for the weather update, these smart speakers influence our lifestyle immensely.
  • Extensive Implementation of AI and ML- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are impacting search behaviour. Such technological advancements are extensively employed in search engine algorithms.
  • Increase in Voice-Based Chatbots- With the increase in voice searches, voice-enabled chatbots are also rising. It has encouraged better audience engagement.
  • Change in Human Behaviour- The future of SEO in the voice search era can be well defined by the change in human behaviour. Voice search has enabled us to perform multitasking considerably influencing our daily lives.
  • Emergence of Conversational AI- Lastly, natural language processing in voice search has introduced a revolution called conversational AI. It is the very reason behind the change in human behaviour!

Wrapping Up!  

It is no shock that voice search will increasingly become popular in the following years. Voice search SEO will lead the way to altering the search intent behaviour for improved efficiency. People are turning to voice search due to a phenomenal user experience that streamlines work and delivers better results. Apart from being efficient, it is quick, easy, and helpful. Overall, voice search has simplified our lives like never before! So, who wants to miss out on the perks of conversational search optimization?


5 Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Businesses of all sizes these days are investing in digital marketing more than ever! Why not? It is a potential source to drive traffic, boost audience engagement and generate leads. If you do not agree to this, it means you are lacking somewhere. In other words, you are making some vulnerable mistakes that affect the results of your online marketing strategy. 

In 2023, 63% of businesses have increased their digital marketing budgets, followed by the immense success rate of online promotional activities. There is a nearly 33% boost in ROI for companies actively employing digital marketing efforts!  

real estate seo strategy

The case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of a dynamic online marketing plan. But sadly, many businesses fall short of achieving the success ratio of digital advertising and promotions as most of them are making some critical mistakes. Are you one of them? Do you want to avoid common digital marketing mistakes? Then, this blog post is ideally meant for you!

Digital marketing is a vast domain that allows you to explore your creativity and stay ahead of your competitors. As a significant tool to connect to new and existing clients, you cannot go wrong with the process. 

The intention of this discussion is to identify and help you avoid the possible mistakes imperative for digital marketing best practices. Check out the wrong way of doing digital marketing!

Lack of a Clear Strategy

Do not be surprised if we say 49% of businesses do not have a defined digital marketing strategy! Running an aimless campaign is equal to walking the road blindfolded. You do not know where you are heading. What is the purpose of your campaign? Is it to attract traffic? Or is it to boost sales? What is it you want to achieve through your digital promotions?

It is vital to express and settle your goal to set out a planned strategy and evaluate its effectiveness. Your campaign will focus on a particular objective, and sooner or later, you can conjecture a proposition about it. 

So, all you have to do is draw a vision and document your marketing plan accordingly. You must map out the actions, which is also helpful in determining your target audience. How can you expect results if your campaign isn’t reaching the right audiences? 

Therefore, as one of digital marketing best practices, vision or goal is the primary consideration to ensure optimal efficacy. 

Not Tracking Your Results

Only 28% of marketers use marketing data analysis to track the performance of their campaigns. It is indeed a very unimpressive number because evaluating your results is an obligatory measure to improve and refine your strategies for enhanced performance. How do you know your digital campaign is functional until you track it?

You keep investing time and money in the campaigns without deciphering the ROI. It is a terrible idea to ignore measuring the results because your business is surely going to crash! Driving web traffic is not the only purpose of digital marketing until you are already a renowned and successful brand!

You have to track cost per lead (CPL), cost per acquisition (CPA), marketing qualified leads (MQL), and website visits per marketing channel. These are significant digital marketing KPIs enabling you to track engagement, conversions, sales, and revenue.

Hence, you must take charge of controlling your business through the appropriate implementation of data evaluation metrics. It will help you to comprehend if your campaign efforts are pulling off their worth!

Ignoring Mobile Users

Currently, there are 6.8 billion smartphone users worldwide. It accounts for 80% of the global population! Wow! Now, that is worth considering! So, what happens if your website or online campaigns are not mobile-optimized? You are in trouble! When most people access the Internet through mobile devices, you cannot neglect its impact on digital marketing. 

Today, it is necessary to focus on mobile optimization to ensure you are reaching out to the vast crowd and are still in the competition! Browsing social media, playing games or watching entertainment channels- mobile phones have become a prominent source for online marketing. 

So, with a mobile-dominant digital era, you cannot skip creating your ad campaigns user-friendly. By this, we mean making the digital campaigns mobile-friendly. Ensure that your website or campaigns have fast page speed and support easy navigation. It will undoubtedly increase audience engagement, and you can escape committing one of the common digital marketing mistakes!

Not Leveraging Social Media

Do you know social media users represent 59.9% of the global population and 92.7% of the total internet users? There is a 3.2% increase year-over-year! We are indeed getting social and utilizing the complete benefits of digitalization! But, are you? If your campaigns are not running on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, you are clearly at a loss! These social media platforms enable businesses to connect with audiences directly. Sharing and answering users’ comments establishes a credible relationship apart from generating brand awareness. 

Unfortunately, many companies ignore it as one of the potential digital marketing best practices! And the worst part is they do not have a proper social media marketing (SMM) strategy. It is necessary to consistently post campaigns across social media channels to stay in the limelight and keep buzzing!

Also, you must reply to user comments and reviews to initiate interaction and comprehend their needs. It encourages higher engagement and improved brand awareness. Choose your platform according to your campaign objective. For instance, Instagram offers good exposure to small to medium-sized businesses, while Facebook works best for big brands. 

So, do you want to be a part of the 81% of businesses using social media for successful branding and growth?

Underutilizing SEO

SEO or search engine optimization is a fundamental component of digital marketing apart from PPC, SMM, content marketing, email marketing, and influencer marketing. However, many business owners often put it in the back seat when focusing on online promotions. How do you expect people to find you until you are visible on the search results page? 

86% of Internet users ignore paid banner ads and choose to click only on organic search results.

Leads from SEO have a 14.6% closure rate.

These are some interesting facts clearly implying the significance of optimizing your website to increase its rank on the SERPs. It enhances your digital marketing efforts as you are more easily discoverable through organic search. Nevertheless, SEO is a long-term strategy and will not drive you results overnight. Yet, it is the most reliable tool for marking your online presence. 

Through critical keyword research and analysis, SEO can drive more organic traffic and help you rank relatively higher. Keywords with high search volume will always aid a website rank better. If you are already aware of SEO, you know how it functions. It indexes and positions web pages according to the quality and relevance of content based solely on keywords. 

As much as you know about search engines, it is also crucial to consider the impact of SEO on digital marketing. After all, what you do not see online does not exist! And not to forget, SEO drives sustainable results over time!


Expecting exponential growth in your business through digital marketing is valid till you are taking the right moves! Creating an extraordinary ad campaign is not the end. You have to avoid the common digital marketing mistakes for all your efforts to exhibit their results. As a beginner, it may look challenging, but with the appropriate tricks and measures, you can overcome the hurdles and experience superior outcomes.

Undoubtedly, digital marketing strategies is the present and future of advertising and promotion, and with a potential plan, you can reap its benefits, too. All you need is a robust foundation. Stay focused on your goal, implement good SEO, use social media marketing, make your website and campaign mobile-friendly, and monitor and report the results. Tada! There you go! Now you know what works for you!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What are the goals and objectives of digital marketing?

Ans. The goals and objective of digital marketing varies as per business requirements. But, in any circumstance, the goals help you to define the strategy you will employ to acquire them. Without goals and objectives, you cannot measure the ROI or the effectiveness of your campaign. Generating brand awareness, improving web traffic, encouraging higher lead generation and conversions, and increasing sales are the fundamental goals of digital marketing. 

Q. What are the primary components of digital marketing?

Ans. Digital marketing comprises search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), pay-per-click ads (PPC), content marketing, influencer marketing, and email marketing.

Q. What are the analytics of digital marketing?

Ans. Digital marketing analytics specifically helps in evaluating the effectiveness of campaign activities. It involves the collection and study of data from various sources like paid ads, social media, newsletter and email subscribers, referrals, etc. These data metrics help to track conversion rates, sales, ROI, consumer behaviour and preferences, and organic traffic.

Q. When do I see results from my digital marketing campaign?

Ans. Do not expect results immediately. You must allow at least 3-6 months to witness some results. However, expect quantifiable outcomes between 6-12 months with consistent, high-quality content creation.