By: Arpit   |   Posted on: 17th September 2024

How to Get More Leads from Your Website?

Are you struggling to generate leads from your web presence? Is your digital marketing strategy failing to fetch you the desired results? It is not just your problem since many business owners are in the same boat.

Studies reveal that more than 60% of digital marketers find lead generation their top-most challenge. Despite owning an informative website, you cannot draw enough potential leads. So, where lays the problem?

To delve deeper into the topic, we have to first understand the lead generation process, which begins with digital marketing. However, the principal source for efficient online marketing is your website. Sadly, not all websites are designed to generate leads. You must have a fully optimized and functional website with high-quality content, superior user experience, easy accessibility, mobile-friendliness, and instant call-to-action features.

For any business to run successfully, lead generation is the foremost requirement. It enables establishing visibility, credibility, trust, and interest. When you focus on lead generation, your website will drive more traffic, leading to higher conversion rates. It not only boosts revenue but also aids the growth and expansion of your market.

Therefore, comprehending the significance of the same, today we will discuss lead generation best practices from your website that will maximize your profits and ensure higher ROI (Return on Investment).

So keep reading for actionable takeaways!

Tips to Generate More Leads From Your Website

Creating a website is a no-brainer! But unfortunately, not every website can develop new leads that accomplish the goals. As mentioned earlier, you have to employ a robust online marketing strategy to fetch pragmatic results. When speaking of digital marketing, it begins with a good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) approach. 

The primary goal of SEO is to make your website more discoverable across various search engines. It means you will receive more traffic, increasing your prospects of converting audiences into clients. 

We have shared some crucial insights that will improve your SEO strategy and fetch effective results. We begin with ‘content optimization’ because ‘content is the king’.

1. Create High-Quality Content

The content of your website is valuable as it is considered a powerful marketing tool. In general, it is called content marketing. When you have a content-rich website, it engages the audience and attracts more leads. In the long run, you can effortlessly establish a trustworthy relationship with your leads.

So, why should you focus on creating high-quality content?

  • It provides valuable and useful information about your company’s background, products and services, which is essential to educate the audiences about your brand’s existence.
  • Good quality content is defined by its relevance and consistency, which helps to draw traffic and retain your consumer base.
  • Powerful content is engaging, and you receive lower bounce rates. Your audience finds it compelling and spends more time exploring your website.
  • It helps in building a loyal and credible relationship with your audiences.
  • When you share your website through various social media channels and platforms, you increase the chances of attracting more leads.
  • It improves your website’s online visibility, driving increased organic traffic.
  • A content-rich website encourages an impactful SEO strategy, which promotes better rank in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).
  • You can establish your brand and attract new leads, gradually converting to profitable consumer actions.
  • When you create an interactive website and include polls, surveys, or quizzes, you uphold a connection beyond a simple business affair.
  • The type of content you use on your website also reflects your knowledge and passion for your industry.
  • Lastly, regularly updating your content helps in keeping your audiences informed about your brand’s progress, increasing the prospect of them becoming profitable customers. 

Hence, don’t you think content quality must be your priority for lead generation?

In the next section, we have discussed some significant tips that will improve your content by making it more relevant and engaging. So, grab your coffee and relax as we begin this exciting journey!

A. Tips to Improve the Content Quality

What makes good content? Let us check it out!

  1. Analyze Your Target Audience- Your content must be impactful and meaningful to the audience, which adds up to making a difference in everyday lives. In other words, it not only drives traffic but transforms people’s lives! Does that sound too much? Well, how do you expect to generate leads until you serve something influential? So, to accomplish the best results, understand the needs of your audiences or the target market. The better you are capable of doing so, the better your brand message reaches the audience!
  2. Recognize Your Industry- Whether you are running a food chain business or a local garment shop, knowing the market is necessary to comprehend your competition. You must possess adequate knowledge about your sector before you start preparing content for your website. Providing appropriate and thorough information must be your goal. It enables the building of credibility and generates interest among audiences. 
  3. Include Facts and Data- When you share data and analytics with your audiences, it draws increased attention. It also indicates the progress and growth of your business while aiding in brand awareness. Audiences find the information more verifiable, and you earn a spot in developing trust and encouraging lucid communication. An incredible way to do so is by adding case studies and references in the blogs and articles you post. They propose clarity, perception, and relevance.  
  4. Add Visuals- As we often say, ‘pictures speak more than a thousand words’! So, why should you miss out on that? Include images, videos, info-graphics, emojis and other visual formats to keep your content simple yet enticing. Displays are a great way to communicate with audiences and develop curiosity. Your audiences will spend more time on your website, increasing their chances of becoming potential leads!
  5. Content Formatting- The format of your website content plays a significant role in engaging audiences and helping them to easily comprehend the information. It makes the content attractive, comprehensible, and inviting. Like when you use paragraphs, bullets, or highlighted texts, it becomes easy to read and comprehend.
  6. Use Keywords- Keywords are the foundation of an impactful SEO strategy. Keywords help users to find content relevant to their search. So, when creating content, use keywords strategically so that your content receives better visibility in the SERPs. It drives more organic traffic while improving the search ranking. And there is nothing better than a potential SEO strategy to reach audiences and increase prospects of lead generation. We will discuss the significance of SEO in the next segment.

Now, that was all about creating great website content and setting high standards which will pay off to successful results.

B. Why is SEO Important for Your Content?

Where do you think people begin their search? It is obviously on a search engine like Google! Studies reveal that about 98% of the daily search queries are performed by Google. So, to increase your visibility and improve your rank on the Google SERP, SEO is the fundamental tool. 

SEO is crucial for any business because:

  • It increases the visibility of your website for organic search queries. 
  • A good SEO helps in improving your website rank on the SERP.
  • You receive higher web traffic, which aids in generating brand awareness.
  • SEO can be immensely fruitful for lead generation for small businesses as there are higher chances of audiences converting to prospective leads.
  • It is a cost-effective measure to promote your brand and reach extensive audiences.
  • Lastly, SEO is a long-term strategy which helps your business stay in the limelight for months and years.

C. How to Optimize Your Content for Search Engines?

Let’s look at the best practices to optimize your website content.

  • Keyword Research- This is the process of recognizing and prioritizing search queries that make your content valuable and useful. Keyword research tool helps evaluate the search volume of a particular term or phrase. In other words, it boosts the relevance and effectiveness of your website content. 
  • Generate Keyword Themes- Keyword research is only the beginning. Sticking to one primary keyword won’t suffice to reach your goal. Today, top SEO companies focus on creating keywords based on a correlated idea. The process helps you to avoid keyword stuffing and improve content alignment and discoverability. 
  • Be Creative about Your Result Display- Today, Google SERPs are not restricted to a list of links. You can make your result in a user-friendly visual format for faster navigation. From videos to featured snippets, Google displays various forms of results on the SERPs. It critically affects the click-through rate which is one of the principal motives of SEO.
  • Page Speed How long will you wait for a webpage to load on your computer screen? If it takes too long, you will perhaps leave the site until it is your target website! The slower the loading speed, the more visitors you lose! According to a survey, if a webpage takes more than 3 seconds to load, you lose 53% of mobile users. Thus, page speed affects site performance and user experience (UX).
  • Include Video Transcriptions- For successful content marketing, videos propose a crucial role apart from keyword-driven texts. It is concluded that 81% of businesses received benefits by using videos as a marketing tool. However, for better search engine indexing, use transcripts with videos. It enables search engines to understand your video content and rank it accordingly.
  • Appropriate Formatting of Photos- Photos do matter a lot when it comes to creating high-quality for SEO. Nonetheless, compress the size of the images and use formats like PNG, WebP, etc., which take less time to load than JPEG.

2. Adding Lead Generation Forms

What are lead generation forms? Why are they significant for a website?  

Lead generation forms are digital forms that enable capturing the contact information of potential consumers for later use. It is an impactful tool for converting leads into paying customers. In exchange for proposing something valuable, you can encourage visitors to fill out the form, providing you an opportunity to connect with them directly. Doesn’t that sound interesting? You have contact details of audiences who have exhibited interest in your business.

A. Principal Benefits of Lead Generation Forms

Let us understand the benefits of lead generation forms for websites.

Principal Benefits of Leads Generation
  • Scaling Leads- It is not necessary anyone filling out the lead generation form to be interested in buying products and services from you. And so scaling leads for sales is necessary. By asking for particular information, you can determine whether the lead qualifies for your products or services. Thus, it saves much of the precious time you were supposed to spend persuading a non-eligible lead.
  • Generate Targeted Email Record- One of the primary goals of lead generation forms is to collect contact information of audiences expressing interest in your business. You can use this information for email marketing, targeting specific audiences rather than hitting a blind spot! So, when you have a targeted email list, you can send customized messages that roll with your audience. The end result is increased click-through rates, engagement, and conversions.
  • Increased RevenueYou are running a business and created a website with the sole intention of earning profits. Lead generation forms play a crucial role in the process. With a targeted email address and personalized user experience, it is easier to persuade leads already interested in your business. Your leads are more likely to become your customers, ultimately increasing sales and generating more revenue. 
  • Customized User Experience As mentioned, you can enhance user experience by focusing on tailored needs and preferences. From customized landing pages to product recommendations, you can engage your leads and curtail the bounce rates of your website. Moreover, personalization helps in building stronger relationships.
  • Enhance Audience EngagementDon’t you stop by a webpage when you come across a custom message or information? Everybody does! The lead generation forms are immensely influential in capturing the audience’s attention. They are stimulated to take action!
  • Refine Marketing StrategyAn effective marketing strategy is based on refining your marketing efforts. By this, we mean that collecting data through the lead generation process will streamline your marketing strategies while driving better results.

Now that you are aware of the benefits of lead generation forms, let’s focus on the various types of lead generation forms.

B. Types of Lead Generation Forms

Typically, lead generation forms are mainly of two categories:

  • List Building Lead Generation Forms- These are simple forms created to capture email addresses to generate an email list. Hence, they aid in email marketing.
  • Lead Qualification Lead Generation Forms- These forms collect information about high-intent leads which means it narrows down the categorization process. You can follow up on such leads through CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or sales. 

However, choosing the right kind of lead generation form for your business depends considerably on the type of industry. For example, a list building form works best for a legal and an insurance company. However, a lead qualification form is suitable for home cleaning services and construction companies.

C. Where to Use Lead Generation Forms on Your Website?

You can choose your lead generation form as per the business requirements. There are no strict rules on where you should place your lead generation form. Nevertheless, we have discussed some of the best practices that will yield effective results. We assure you these are profitable takeaways!

  • Place your lead generation form on the landing page of your website, where it will be easily visible, and audiences can spot it without scrolling. So, always put it above the fold. It will immediately draw attention, and audiences will understand the motive of your landing page.
  • Another incredible place to put your lead generation form is next to the landing page. The audiences find it resourceful as they can receive additional information if they fill out the form. 
  • For long landing pages, you can strategically place the form up to 3 places. In this way, your audiences will never miss out on noticing the form!
  • You can share your lead generation form in the Chabot enabled with automated communications and responses. 
  • Finally, placing the form at the bottom of the landing page is not a bad idea either. It captures attention, and you have better prospects of receiving potential leads as it implies your audiences are genuinely interested in your business. 

Therefore, to capture leads and increase your business revenue, lead generation forms are a prerequisite for your website.

3. Promote Your Website and Content

Do you think creating a website and spending a fortune on ads is enough to drive traffic? How can users see your website if it’s not linked anywhere? Promoting your website by utilizing various tools is of utmost necessity to reach out to people and generate potential brand awareness. We have many reasons to support the predisposition. Let us talk about them.

A. Importance of Website and Content Promotion

Digital marketing begins with website and content promotion. It is essential because:

  • It builds your authority over the online platform. 
  • It promotes trust and credibility among your audiences.
  • With website and content promotion, you receive high-quality leads.
  • It increases your visibility on the SERPs and other digital platforms.
  • You receive better ROI with less investment.
  • You stay ahead of your competitors.
  • Your website becomes more resourceful and highly optimized.
  • You achieve a loyal customer base.

B. How to Promote Your Website and Content?

There are several ways to digitally promote your website. We have discussed the most effective online promotion approaches, offering higher visibility, better lead generation, and increased revenue. No website runs successfully without a powerful promotion strategy!

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)- You may have noticed that we have spoken a lot about SEO since the beginning of the discussion. It is one of the crucial elements responsible for website discoverability, search ranking, creating brand awareness and establishing credibility. With websites being created every second, it is not easy to be found in the vast crowd. Thankfully, we have SEO. You can optimize your website by choosing the best SEO package to secure a good spot in the competition.
  • Content Marketing- The content of your website plays a significant role in search engine indexing. Your content must be informative, useful, valuable, and interesting for audiences to stay engaged. It must propose authentic information about your brand, products, and services to achieve trust and loyalty from your audiences. Not to forget, high-quality content can potentially generate leads.
  • Email Marketing- Another tried and tested approach for website promotion is email marketing. An impressive thing about email marketing is that you do not require guests to visit your website to sign up for your email newsletter; you can promote your website even before it is launched. 
  • Guest Blogging- Most often, we do not utilize guest blogging to secure its extraordinary benefits. Guest blogging helps in establishing your authority over the industry domain. When you link your guest blog to your website, you will drive traffic from other credible sources. Undoubtedly, it will boost your online presence, posing a positive impact on lead generation.
  • Social Media Marketing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have billions of users. These social media platforms are immensely influential in connecting with audiences and dispersing your brand message. Whether you create a Facebook ad or simply share a feed on Twitter, it will get viral faster than you could think!
  • Quora- How often have you searched for an answer on Quora? We do it frequently as we find Quora results on the first page of Google while using long-tail keywords. Thus, it is indeed a great way to promote your business and earn profitable results.
  • Google My Business- Creating a Google My Profile is essential to help users discover your business easily through local searches. From adding your contact details to attaching your website URL, Google My Business optimization helps to generate a complete professional profile, enabling users to reach you directly.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising- Google Ads is one of the most popular PPC advertising platforms used by billions of website owners worldwide. It is a highly reliable and profitable PPC advertising strategy enabling targeted search. Also, you can limit your budget as per your requirements.

Therefore, website and content promotion is not an unexplored field and you have numerous entrenched techniques to acquire beneficial results.

C. Why Do You Need to Track Website Results?

You have employed all the lead generation tips and are hoping they will provide you with superior benefits. But how do you know that until you track the website results? Evaluating your website analytics is essential to critically analyze your website performance. You cannot improvise your marketing strategy until you are aware of its effectiveness. To simplify, tracking website results is necessary because:

  • To determine keyword rankings for effective SEO.
  • To check the volume, quality, and source of website traffic.
  • To keep track of the conversion metric to examine whether there is actual lead generation.
  • To determine the effectiveness of social media marketing, content marketing, and PPC advertising.
  • To improve and optimize the website for enhanced performance.


We have reached the end of our discussion with the hope that we can provide you with valuable insights about the best practices for lead generation. It is not a cakewalk, but implementing the right strategies will never fail you! Creating high-quality content, implementing impactful SEO strategies and adding lead generation forms will surely earn you resourceful results.



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