By: Arpit   |   Posted on: 13th March 2020
Case Study

Increase Organic Search Traffic To Enhance Affiliate Income (Case Study)

The Opportunity

Black Marlin Technologies content developers deliver meaningful content on that helps visitors to get expected content on click. Due to high competition, it was a big challenge for our editorial team to produce high-quality & sharable content.

The Solution

BMT team followed a simple process to find the keywords with the highest potential. Within one month, they launched new, high-performing content by leveraging rich data about opportunities and threats.

Keywords Research:

First, the team used Google keywords planner to identify 50 competitive keywords that was relevant to

Search Queries:

We used Google webmaster console and extracted all search queries into an excel sheet. SERP visibility was not so good but still, we have some data where we can start to work and achieve some result. We optimized content of the website and made sure excellent work for on page SEO.

Competitive Research

There is huge competition and number of similar website available who is giving the same services so it was not easy for us to select all competitors. We extracted top 3 competitors and analysis those to identify new opportunities for us and like always it helped us.


After having the clear picture of SEO opportunities and work to be done on website. Our team did not wait more and implement all suggestion on the website it includes redesigned the page and adding new content structure, based on the competitive research. We made sure to include CTA (call to action) and add download link at the right place so users can download at the fastest time that they want. In another hand, we built link building strategy to prepare strong reason for a search engine to list this website in search engine.

The Results

After two-month result was in front of us and the results has proved the success of our team approach. The number of downloads after this optimization increased by 71%, with average bounce-rate. More than 15 keywords from 50 were on the first page of Google search engine. For example, uc mini installs, uc mini java and so on.

Organic Traffic
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